All Sights Affixed, Ablaze
Idol of Fear
December 14, 2014
Canadian Extreme Metallers IDOL OF FEAR are a band that are taking the extreme down a more experimental route. Forming in 2011, and releasing a demo in 2013, they've quickly released their first full length, "All Sights Affixed, Ablaze", and built on their sound, which incorporates several styles of Extreme Metal into one massive melting pot.
Opener "Vanquish" makes it clear why this band defines themselves as "extreme" rather than any particular strain of the Metal underground; their influences are varied and many, and it's hard to pinpoint a prevalent one. There's the harsh, rasping vocals, which have served several bands including this one well, and some very strange (albeit cool) guitar work which doesn't sit firmly in any camp.
Likewise, "Morningstar" has several elements that can be heard, Post-Black Metal to Acoustic Rock, but it's hard to fix one genre tag to it. Every track from "Circle of Vortices" through to the closer "Carrion" have several elements to them, and it's safe to say that this album has some great tracks on it. Perhaps the highlight of the album for me is the album's title track, which is catchy in its dissonant music.
The other highlight of this record is easily the song "It Militates", which is a slow, heavy dirge with some eerie guitar work thrown in for good measure. There isn't much in way of criticism that I could level at this. The song writing and production are both very good. For a first release, this is a very good album on which to build a lengthy and prosperous career. It will appeal to lots of people, and you will most likely love it if you enjoy experimental music. This is well worth checking out.
7 / 10
"All Sights Affixed, Ablaze" Track-listing:
1. Vanquish
2. Morningstar
3. Circle of Vortices
4. All Sights Affixed, Ablaze
5. It Demands
6. It Militates
7. It Tyrannizes
8. Carrion
Idol of Fear Lineup:
Johnny- Bass, Vocals
Doug- Drums
Dave- Guitars
Austin- Vocals, Guitars
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