
Idiots Parade

From the speediest of fastcore comes the Slovakia quartet, IDIOTS PARADE and their mesmerising 47-tracked record, […]
By Ishah Shah
January 1, 2015
Idiots Parade - Idiotsgraphy album cover

From the speediest of fastcore comes the Slovakia quartet, IDIOTS PARADE and their mesmerising 47-tracked record, "Idiotsgraphy". Packed with the roughest of cheating riffs, this mammoth of an album races through at top speed finishing first in line with tracks as short as twenty seven seconds. Another thrashing band who choose to lyrically sing in their mother tongue language, this doesn't seem to matter at all when you're in IDIOTS PARADE, with their tempos moving faster than the speed limit, nothing is heard or made sense of other than a giant pile of screaming mess.

Female fronted to bring an extra flavour of spice, the Grindcore band are set out to bring complete and utter destruction, with their slaying verses and reparative choruses, each part seems to merge into one, not making complete sense of one song alone. The problem that is found within this record is that there is no clear path between a beginning, middle and an end as each follows to a next or stops halfway through just when you expected something. Due to this there is a lack of narrative and climatic build-up, weakening the tracks, as they seem irrelevant and bland.

Superior to their genre, "Idiotsgraphy" have mastered some key elements within this record, with "Bezcitnost" producing a funky, old school rock intro that grips your ears before the loud noise topples over, sweeping the whole song into complete abyss.  There are only a few tracks that do stand out from the whole 47 that seem a massive shame with such diversity and tunes, quality is better than quantity in this case.

There are clear sings of potential as the track starts off with strong grips but quickly looses its self in all the noise and bitter rants screamed vocally, pulling down the weight of the record to halfway and average.

5 / 10


"Idiotsgraphy" Track-listing:

1.Cervena Skyrna
3.Break Your Limits
4.Pravda Ci Loz
7.Po Boji
8.Ukradutny dar
9.Falosna Viera
11.Amrtelna Prosba
12.Zrodenie Cis....
15.Puta Prokoku
16.A Na Konci
20.Vyasnuta Iskra
22.Dajte Mi Pokoj
25.Vojna Vu Dusi
26.Neumorny Konzum
28.Nevytany Host
29.Dolezyte Dzy...
31.Pady A Vzostupy
33.V Zaujme Slo...
35.Neumorny Konzum
37.Schopnost Vn..
38.Moc Penazi
40.Dolezyte Dzy..
41.Vizia Buducn
42.Nezvatrny Ozud
43.Obraz Nasich
44.Whats Wrong
45.Kolobeh Zahuby
46.Naivna Zlepost
47.Obete Nakazy

Idiots Parade Lineup:

Petra - Vocals
Filip - Guitars
Mato - Bass
Jan - Drums

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