Science And Survival

I Am Giant

I AM GIANT is not necessarily the kind of band that is often featured in […]
By Jacob Dawson
January 26, 2015
I Am Giant - Science And Survival album cover

I AM GIANT is not necessarily the kind of band that is often featured in Metal Temple; they are best classified as either Alternative or Hard Rock, and many of their songs are reminiscent of bands like FOO FIGHTERS or MUSE. It would be easy to pigeon-hole them as just another English Rock band, but the truth is they are far more than that with their second album, "Science And Survival," incorporating elements from many other bands and influences to infuse them all into one beast.

Something the band seems to be a fan of, which I have always been undecided on, is the inclusion of ambient tracks and other non-diegetic sounds within their music. In the intro to "Guéthary" it works quite well since it sets the atmosphere and tone for the album, and during the outro of "Bought With Ignorance Sold With Arrogance" it does the same job, winding the whole album down. However there are other times when it doesn't fit quite as well; the random numbers and space-talk during "Dragging The Dance Out" seem more like a gimmick than anything else, not adding anything to the track musically.

Ryan Redman's vocals are worth mentioning, as they are totally at odds with the music, for the most part. Alongside the soaring guitars and crashing drums, he manages to keep his voice completely clean, making every lyric sound heartfelt. This is even the case in "Silhouette," easily the heaviest song of the album, as well as the possible standout, the tempo is controlled the whole way through so that the full force of the guitars can be appreciated, and the drums remain powerful. Another song whose guitars deserve praise is "Out Of Date Hallucination," the intro to which is weirdly reminiscent of the early days of KORN as the guitars spiral into a pit of madness.

It's no wonder that this band has gained the following it has in such a short span of time; their Hard Rock approach mixed with an occasional ballad and a very respectable vocalist has given them an edge over some other bands in the genre, and piqued the interest of some big names in the industry fairly quickly. I look forward to hearing them again in the future.

8 / 10


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"Science And Survival" Track-listing:

1. Guéthary
2. Echo From The Gallows
3. Razor Wire Reality
4. Death Of You
5. Ca Vous Dérange
6. Transmission
7. Out Of Date Hallucination
8. Silhouette
9. Dragging The Dance Out
10. Miss Seattle (Interlude 2)
11. Minefield
12. Standing On The Sun (And I Like The View)
13. Bought With Ignorance Sold With Arrogance

I Am Giant Lineup:

Ryan Redman - Vocals
Stuart Steele - Guitar
Paul Matthews - Bass
Shelton Woolright - Drums

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