

The blood bathed Swedish mega Death Metal band, Hypocrisy, make their comeback appearance and this […]
By Panagiotis Koutsompogeras
September 5, 2005
Hypocrisy - Virus album cover

The blood bathed Swedish mega Death Metal band, Hypocrisy, make their comeback appearance and this time with more aggressiveness and intensity than in the past. Even though they have been accused that their latest albums were kind of weak - which is something I doubt - their new album, Virus rips out the guts of those who dared to question their Death Metal fierceness and anger.
There are many Thrash passages found throughout Virus which strengthen the Death Metal atmosphere and make it more concise and tough. Distorted or filtered vocals in the Peter Tagtren way are also obvious here and create the entire Hypocrisy Heavy Metal approach to music. All the other things that characterize this band such as double guitar parts, evil melodies and harmonies are also found here. There are many songs that even non-Hypocrisy fans will be fond of like Fearless or A Thousand Lies.
Someone might say that there is a slight decrease in the intensity of the album in the last few tracks but this is something that will not leave you disappointed on the whole. The artwork is exceptional for one more time and this is what you would normally expect from bands like Hypocrisy.
Virus starts and manages to maintain - almost in its entire length - a furious and raging tempo combined with lyrical melodies scattered here and there, spiced up by catchy tunes. The usual mysterious extraterrestrial Hypocrisy aura is also self evident here. The addition of ex-Immortal drummer, butcher Horgh, really adds to the aggressiveness and professionalism of the band and we must pray that the band will manage to retain its current attitude even in the future to come.
Hypocrisy seem to have re-invented themselves and they definitely deserve our support because they seem to be honest and unique in what they do. So, if you are looking for non - hypocritical Death Metal with new and not nu attitude, let yourself be infected by the current Virus of Hypocrisy which will finally cleanse your soul!
- Album Highlights: Warpath, Scrutinized, Fearless, A Thousand Lies,  Living To Die.

7 / 10


"Virus" Track-listing:

Craving For Another Killing
Let The Knife Do The Talking
A Thousand Lies
Incised Before I've Ceased
Compulsive Psychosis
Living To Die

Hypocrisy Lineup:

Peter Tägtren - Vocals & Guitar
Mikael Hedlund - Bass
Horgh - Drums

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