Order of the Mist


Highlights of the album include the vocal harmonies, persistent somber tones, and the way it was all put together into emotionally charged compositions that hit you where your feelings are strongest.
June 20, 2024

From Bandcamp, “The album title refers to rulers of the underworld in Nebelwood Forest where the shape-shifting Huldra folk have the power to bring back the dead. This occult order uses the mist to manipulate the realms of humans and force them to fight a never-ending battle. The idea of the mist having some kind of order is an intentional paradox, although the mist occurs at specific times of day or night depending on temperature, air pressure and humidity. But does the mist orderly invade our lands or is it a chaotic outburst of climatic chemistry? Only the Huldra know…”

“Heart of soil” is the first cut. The opening tones are clean as well as somber, and the clean vocals are nicely harmonized. I get a combination of Doomy elements as well as some Folky ones, and the melodies are sublime. “My gallant assassin” also features strong vocal harmonies over a bed of delicate acoustical guitars. The sound straddles the line between outright despair and hope. “Your frozen chest” has more pronounced Gothic elements, mainly in the rhythm and emotion of the vocals, combined with twin guitar harmonies. “The blade of Gold” has some very melodic tones combined with thick bass guitar notes, hasty vocals, and more twin guitar harmonies.

 “Nibelungen” features somber and emotional vocals with some cello, and when cello notes roll in, the skies grey perpetually. It picks up from there with some more guitar presence, and tugs at your heart. “Bed of germs” has some very strong vocal harmonies once again, and it’s obvious that the band has melodic songwriting sensibilities. The structure of the music here is both hardened and pliable, in the sense that it shifts. “Like dying ferns” has a very somber and emotional sound, highlighted with vocal harmonies once more. Many of the sad tones come from the lyrics, “like dying ferns, of the summer” they muse.

 “Woodland shrine” closes, and ends the album on tones of longing, and the feeling that your heart aches for something more. Overall, this was a fantastic album, and highlights include the vocal harmonies, persistent somber tones, and the way it was all put together into emotionally charged compositions that hit you where your feelings are strongest.

8 / 10









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"Order of the Mist" Track-listing:

1. Heart of soil

2. My gallant assassin

3. Your frozen chest

4. The blade of gold

5. Nibelungen

6. Bed of germs

7. Like dying ferns

8. Woodland shrine


Hyldr Lineup:

Matthieu Karolewicz – Drums

Vincent Soler – Guitars

Lady IX – Vocals

Jean Kleindirty – Guitars


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