Deadly Passions


After seeing the cover of Deadly Passions that I got in my hands, I thought […]
By Yiannis Zervos
July 29, 2008
Hydrogyn - Deadly Passions album cover

After seeing the cover of Deadly Passions that I got in my hands, I thought I had to deal with another one of those new Goth Rock bands that are really popular these days and responsible for these phenomenon, are the small record companies that are putting out there tons of these stuff, mainly because the younger audience wants to listen to them. But HYDROGYN are nothing like that. The beautiful girl on the cover (I confess I love album covers with beautiful women) is Julie that handles the lead vocal parts of the band and she can really sing the solid Rock style HYDROGYN like to play.

I read a bunch of reviews on the internet about Deadly Passions and they were really bad for the rockers from West Virginia. After listening to the album myself I found out that the things I read weren't completely true. From my point of view HYDROGYN can really play Rock music and sometimes maybe it reaches the Alterative shores, some other times it reaches the Hard Rock territories. Never the less HYDROGYN produced a solid sound and if you add the amazing vocals of gorgeous Julie you have what it takes. From the other hand Deadly Passions lacks on the songwriting part. Melodies and riffs that do not have something new to offer but still you can have a great time listening to this record.

The album's opener Rejection is a fast, up-tempo song, touching the early sleaze/punk GUNS N' ROSES style, but the rest of the album do not have the same energy. Songs like Over U and the album's self titled Deadly Passions, have the melody in question but do not include the same edgy rhythm.  The Alanis Morissette cover You Oughta Know, proves that the band has nothing remarkably fresh to display.

HYDROGYN have what it takes to make this thing work, they surely have an amazing female singer. She can attract and carry the heavy bourdon of HYDROGYN's on-stage performance for sure. If you want to listen to a band that could be great (and, most likely, it will be) give a chance to your Deadly Passions.

6 / 10

Had Potential

"Deadly Passions" Track-listing:

On And On
Your Life
Deadly Passion
You Oughta Know
Over U
Candles Light Your Face
Silent Animation

Hydrogyn Lineup:

Julie - Lead vocals
Jeff Westlake - Guitars
Chris Sammons - Bass
Josh Kitchen - Drums

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