Let me tell you one thing...these people will drive us crazy! I'm wondering where the […]
By Thodoris Pantazopoulos
March 27, 2004
HTP - HTP2 album cover

Let me tell you one thing...these people will drive us crazy! I'm wondering where the heck they obtain the courage and the appetite in such a far-one age, to provide us with albums like this one! In less than two years, Glenn Hughes and Joe Lynn Turner have returned to the music industry, bringing along their new, superb achievement.
Rainbow remain only a good memory, Deep Purple are still kicking, others have clearly forgotten the good old days, but these gentlemen over here stubbornly refuse to quit!
Wild, pure and mainly -played with the old fashioned way- rock n roll! Nothing more, nothing less! Neither innovations, nor experimentations and hocums. From the very beginning of this album you can easily apprehend the retro feeling which bursts out and transfers you to the mythical period (1970-1986) of hard rock,when the in question genre was penultimate.
''Burn'', ''Stormbringer'', ''Difficult to cure'' and other monumental albums make a ''guest appearance'', in a manner of speaking,over here.
HTP2  is a worthy successor of the forenamed releases and seems competent enough to lead the way. 11 great songs individually inspired,some of them dynamic others luscious,and not just the scraps of their first album,as many still claim.
It's somehow hard to find high-quality albums like this one, maybe with the help of a microscope, especially in our days, where the albums seem to crop up like mushrooms and detecting them under the name of people who cover up the third age (I wish the'd live a 1000 years more). The future of our music makes me ponder...

7 / 10


"HTP2" Track-listing:

Alone I Breathe
Losing My Head
Going My Way
Hold On
Lost Dreams
Time and Time Again
Goodbye Friday
Burning The Sky
Let's Talk About It
Keep On Shining (Japanese Version Bonus-Track)

HTP Lineup:

Glenn Hughes - Vocals/Bass
Joe Lynn Turner - Vocals
J. J. Marsh - Guitars
Ed Roth - Keyboards
Shane Gaalaas - Drums
Steve Vai (guest) - Guitar Solo on Losing My Head
Chad Smith (guest) - Drums on Losing My Head
Jeff Kollman (guest) -  Guitar Outro on Burning The Sky & Guitar solo on Keep On Shining

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