Hot Breath

Hot Breath

HOT BREATH is a Hard Rock band which got its' start in Gothenburg, Sweden during […]
By Louise Brown
October 9, 2019
Hot Breath - Hot Breath album cover

HOT BREATH is a Hard Rock band which got its' start in Gothenburg, Sweden during 2018. The band has recently released its' self-titled debut album which I am reviewing today.

"Still Not Dead" has a really nice intro that makes good use of keyboards along with guitars. It also has a great beat, catchy rhythm and outstanding Hard Rock style vocals. Good luck keeping still while this track is playing. I rapidly concluded that it was basically impossible. The song is guaranteed to put a big smile on the face of anyone who loves early '80s style Hard Rock; to use a popular term from those days, it's awesome! "Maniac" has a sound at the beginning that makes me think of some early KROKUS songs; it has a good groove and lots of attitude. (And, yes, I note the irony since the legendary Swiss band had a hit years ago called "Midnight Maniac," haha.) The vocals once again are excellent, providing the right spirit to the make the song even more convincing. The backing music is also fantastic; hard-edged with raucous sound that is far better heard rather than described. Trust me, you'll love the track as much as I do. "1000 Miles" is all about ATTITUDE. It's basically one of those songs that states "I do what I want, deal with it, or just f*ck off." It will speak to anyone who is free-spirited and independent as hell. The vocals and music are insanely good. I really can't believe what I'm hearing at times because it's so flawless. And a guitar solo, too?? It doesn't get much better than that in my opinion. Check out this song if you decide to listen to a selection from the album. It is well worth your time.

"Got It All" is fast-paced and rocking.It's another excellent track from a band that has managed to impress me a great deal within a surprisingly short amount of time. The song has fantastic vocals and backing music that you'll want to hear more than once. I suspect you'll be hitting "replay" a few times just like I have. This track symbolizes what Hard Rock should sound like. It's a celebration of independence and noise that gets you fired up as soon as you hear the opening notes. "Slight Air" has a nice bass-laden intro that makes me think of LEMMY right away. The vocal style for this song is a little different with more emphasis on melody than has been displayed before. The singing still sounds great, of course, so no worries there whatsoever. The track is quick-paced with the right amount of emotion. It moves along fast and effortlessly. The music is well-performed all the way around, proving that the band cares a great deal about what they're doing. Definitely another winner! The final track, "What You Reap," is a song about karma that sounds terrific. The vocals bring to mind HEART, sounding like something from the band's early material when ANNE WILSON'S range was still incredible. The underlying emotion comes across with the same level of intensity, revealing the rage and the scorn lie just beneath the surface. The music is powerful, giving the track that extra touch of drama that makes it stand-out even more. It's about as close to perfection as it can get.

 I think you need this album in your collection if you appreciate Hard Rock. The songs will remind you of the time when that type music was practically everywhere and everyone knew the lyrics. It's simple, unsophisticated, and absolutely rocks. I can't say enough nice things about the album; just get a copy of it for yourself and you'll see what I mean. It's a refreshing change of pace from the usual stuff that you hear these days, that's for sure.

10 / 10









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"Hot Breath" Track-listing:

1. Still Not Dead
2. Maniac
3. 1000 Miles
4. Got It All
5. Slight Air
6. What You Reap

Hot Breath Lineup:

Jenna - Vocals, guitar
Karl-  Guitar
Anton-  Bass
Jimi-  Drums

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