Time Warriors


Since forming in 2006, this quintet have steadily established themselves as one of Europe`s premier […]
By Andrija "TheIslander" Petrovic
November 25, 2013
Horisont - Time Warriors album cover

Since forming in 2006, this quintet have steadily established themselves as one of Europe`s premier underground Rock bands. Their first two albums made it plain that the band has taped directly into the heart of heaviness and guitar-welding. Now, with their latest masterpiece, they are raising their game.

HORISONT hails from Sweden, continuing their successful time travel mission. Their third album "Time Warriors" brings the pure 70`s Hard Rock sound. With a fine production, the album sound like you`re listening to the old LP.

These days there are way too many bands trying to sound different, yet ending up sounding all the same. This is not the case here. HORISONT perfectly blends the sound, without will to upgrade it or make something different. It`s pure sound of the 70`s, and that`s what make them quite different than most.

It becomes very clear from the first track - "Writing on the Wall" that catches you with irresistible sound. And just like that you`re hooked. Later tracks keeps up rolling unveiling all the beauties of the old school Hard Rock. Tracks like "Backstreet" shows the amazing guitar riffs, and solos that are perfectly fitted, complimenting the track, not overwhelming it. Even the "Vand Tillbaka" with Swedish lyrics sounds perfect. But then, there are catchy songs like "She Cried Wolf" and "Diamonds in Orbit".

Reminiscent of early 70`s SCORPIONS, UFO, DEEP PURPLE, and even URIAH HEEP "Time Warriors" is breath of fresh air. It might not be the best album of the kind, but sure is the great one. Especially the closing track "All Must Come to an End Part I & II".


8 / 10


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"Time Warriors" Track-listing:

1. Writing On The Wall
2. Diamonds In Orbit
3. Ain`t No Turning Back
4. Backstreet
5. Vand Tillbaka
6. She Cried Wolf
7. Brother
8. Dosdans
9. Eyes Of The Father
10. All Must Come To An End, Part I & II

Horisont Lineup:

Axel - Vocals
Charles - Guitar
Kristofer - Guitar
Magnus - Bass
Pontus - Drums

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