Two Essays of Distrubing Human Behaviour

Home Style Surgery

On 15th October 2014 HOME STYLE SURGERY showed the world their "Two Essays of Disturbing […]
By Dominik "Chelu" Cheliński
January 8, 2015
Home Style Surgery - Two Essays of Distrubing Human Behaviour album cover

On 15th October 2014 HOME STYLE SURGERY showed the world their "Two Essays of Disturbing Human Behaviour". Sad thing, only two tracks are on it. It's a Speed/Thrash demo recorded in a rehearsal room. Yes, production isn't perfect, but what do we expect from a demo? I expected less than what I got.The record is fine, that I can say - my ears have been pampered. With home style surgery.

Our gentlemen from Finland invites us to "Explore the Dimensions" with arpeggios and wild roar. Alright, this is how the opening of portals to other worlds should sound like. HOME STYLE SURGERY treats us with good technical skill, emanating pure madness. Part, with whispering vocals immerse us even deeper into the dark. Band knows how to keep the mood. What about second song?

Sachiko is a fairly common Japanese feminine given name that means "child of bliss" (yes, Wikipedia).  "Sachiko Ever After" welcomes us with witches laugh and catchy riff. Great power flows here. Vocals appear. Song accelerates. Same feels as in "Explore the Dimensions". Finns show themselves off. Beautiful solo they've got here.But not only guitars I should mention. Vocals harmonizes with them, putting us into delirium. Sweet.

In general, HOME STYLE SURGERY had show us some potential. Fast, subtle in their own way playing, testify that we've got a Band that know what to do with instruments. Main thing is now to rename HOME STYLE SURGERY. We need STUDIO STYLE SURGERY. If these guys will go in this direction, we might hear more good stuff from them.
So ladies and gentlemen, surgery went without any bigger complications! Patient is pleased.

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"Two Essays of Distrubing Human Behaviour" Track-listing:

1. Explore the Dimensions
2. Sachiko Ever After

Home Style Surgery Lineup:

Joel Mäntyranta - Vocals
Joonas Hiltunen - Lead Guitar
Jussi Keränen - Guitar
Tommi Lakkala - Bass
Joni Järlström - Drums

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