

This is part of a new wave of Progressive music in my opinion. The album combines the best of what Metal has to offer: a heavy bottom end, melodies at the top, and a lot of tension and atmosphere. Each track showcases powerful riffs and deep bass lines that form a solid foundation, while soaring melodies add a contrasting layer of beauty and complexity. The music is infused with a palpable sense of tension, creating a gripping listening experience, and atmospheric elements enhance the overall mood, making the album a standout piece that masterfully blends heaviness, melody, and an evocative, brooding ambiance.

Hailing from Belgium, their Bandcamp page describes the theme of the album. “Stasis tells a story of human nature,” explains lead vocalist Stefan De Graef about the album’s narrative. “As the protagonist enters a new world in which he is confronted with other humans for the first time, he acquaints himself with their customs and ethics, discovering generosity and empathy, but also greed, jealousy and hatred.” Rather than chronologically, the story unfolds in retrospection as our protagonist looks back upon his life among his kin, his struggle with good and evil, and his fight against the stasis of living a life purely based on self-interest.”

“Descent” is the first song, and it come roaring out like a caged rabid dog who was just let off his leash. The sound is very weighted, with heavy guitar accents, screaming vocals, and some masterful Djent qualities in the music. The clean vocals are done very tastefully, and the song isn’t without some delicate moments as well as melodies. “Echoes” breathes a little more with more bright melodies, but still, those punishing accents could wake the dead. In this sense the music borders on Metalcore, but that is just for people who insist on labels, and it’s intelligent as well as brutal.  “Silver Tongue” shows off the band’s impressive style and deep musicianship, as well as a seasoned sense of melody. Once again however, the darkness creeps in and before you know it, you are stuck in a torture chamber with a person holding a saw and knives who doesn’t ask questions.

“Renegade” has a heavy, chugging sound at first that is catchy, but it morphs into the shadows with clean vocal harmonies. When it comes back around, it’s like a coiled snake lashing out with deadly accuracy, assuring your death. The tension they build is very thick, and you never see the strike coming.  “The Indifferent Human Eye” begins with clean guitars as some shadows detach from the walls. At first, you can’t see them, but when some light comes in, you see them for what they are…hideous. The structure of this song is masterful, and the band has thought of everything. The title track stands out most for me. It swaggers out of the gate with a weighted, catchy riff but it also uses atmospheres to enhance the sound, and the vocal harmonies bring depth and richness with them to the stage. “The Reckoning” is the final song, and unlike some of the others, the band shows great restraint with the sound, pushing clean melodies over naked aggression.

This is part of a new wave of Progressive music in my opinion. The album combines the best of what Metal has to offer: a heavy bottom end, melodies at the top, and a lot of tension and atmosphere. Each track showcases powerful riffs and deep bass lines that form a solid foundation, while soaring melodies add a contrasting layer of beauty and complexity. The music is infused with a palpable sense of tension, creating a gripping listening experience, and atmospheric elements enhance the overall mood, making the album a standout piece that masterfully blends heaviness, melody, and an evocative, brooding ambiance.

10 / 10









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"Stasis" Track-listing:

1. Descent

2. Echoes

3. Silver Tongue

4. Renegade

5. The Indifferent Human Eye

6. Stasis

7. The Reckoning


Hippotraktor Lineup:

Chiaran Verheyden – Guitars

Jakob Fiszer – Bass

Lander De Nyn – Drums

Sander Rom – Guitars, Vocals

Stefan De Graef – Vocals, Percussion


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