Tides Will Take You

High Rise

One of the fastest Post-Hardcore bands to blow up by selling out one of the […]
By Isha Shah
March 22, 2015
High Rise - Tides Will Take You album cover

One of the fastest Post-Hardcore bands to blow up by selling out one of the first headline shows in 2011, HIGH RISE dominated the UK before a short hiatus in 2012. Finally returning in 2014, the five Londoner's have brought along with them a short EP titled "Tides Will Take You".

Fuelled with anger, the first track "Burden" pumps all adrenaline levels with its hectic riffs that are wild with manic vocals. Coming back with a boom the bands intensity is released with its riveting djenty sound that is found throughout the track.

As strong follow up, "Memories" produces aggressive guitars and bashing percussion hits that absorb the track in a full fistfight. A subtle hint of cleans are touching this track in the chorus, before Joyic Staddon's vocals dominate.

After retuning, the music world has evolved yet again and the amount of new bands that are producing solid sounding EP's are increasing dramatically. In a new era of sounds, HIGH RISE need to step up their game if they want to have a chance with the current Post-Hardcore bands, as although their EP does explore new talents, it also doesn't quite compare.

Taking a break from their chaotic music, their self-titled song adds a soften blues. A short track like this was exactly what the album needed, calming and tranquil. Exposing the band to a different side, it shows their varied talent in not creating a noise to make an impact. The lack of music speaks for its self here. Then followed by "Brotherhood", which executes the EP with an even finish. Taking hold of a Deez Nuts influence in their lyrics. Held together with a strong intro, the song is a powerful blast to sum up the bands developed sound.

Weighty themes of unity hold the record to be strong, as the quintet have clearly shown some challenging work, split between four songs.<

7 / 10


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"Tides Will Take You" Track-listing:

1. Burden
2. Memories
3. Tides Will Take You
4. Brotherhood

High Rise Lineup:

Jovic Staddon - Vocals
Tom Thain - Lead Guitar
Ricky Gurung - Rhythm Guitar
Ryan Beckett - Bass Guitar
Sammy Dave Christou - Drums

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