

HEYWIRE is, as they say, a "development within a context of Danish bands and musicians […]
By Brandislav
March 20, 2015
Heywire - Heywire album cover

HEYWIRE is, as they say, a "development within a context of Danish bands and musicians aiming for being a real band. They firmly believe that the best music is made by dedicated musicians playing together, intensely focusing at the same point and the creation of music as a group. Each member is contributing to the music with his own musical flavors and skills". Cherishing the sound of Rock, Metal, Progressive Rock they released a homonymous studio album, at the pits of Massacre Records, on 23rd of January, 2015.

   Firstly, I will say that I was sure what I will be reviewing back when I got this band, and by the name of this band I was quite sure I will be blasting some rhythm. This manifest labeled under the name "Heywire" is nothing but a sweet,sweet tune of the time when Rock met Metal, and they became best friends; guess when that happened? Yep, you are right here, somewhere in 1970's. This whole time listening to HEYWIRE I was under an impression; a constant feeling that "Child In Time" in almost on every radio-station, and that it will be played on the radio while I am in the barber shop cutting my hair like THE BEATLES' Ringo Starr and my fabulous mustache is what every lady want; and to stop with my fashion advices (not so good at it), I will suggest this is not a bad thing, just a picture that these four-men rockers brought to me, listening their album.

This ever-lasting trip of heavy/hard rock is starting with "Never Blink Again", a very nice and sweetish ballad, yet drudged and dull. Album continues with "Under the Sun"; the intro, radio-show news, an announcement; this song actually could sum the 1970's, and I am not stereotypical. The trade-mark of HEYWIRE must be their vocal sessions. The monotonic style of the named entities would be a great theme song for some documentary movie about the origin of Rock and Metal music. Moving on, "Lean On Me", and again the tempo is almost the same, an acoustic introduction followed by a beautiful voice of a lady; Karoline Juul Christensen - a Danish actress! "My Way Out" and "Running" are something new here, the fastened tempo, and if you're into the Old-school heavy metal, the very beginnings of it, you will most likely find the sweet-spot of yours here. "Could Have Told Me" and "Love" kick in with the amazing intros an almost Ambient Black metal sound, Post-Metal sound; almost like I'm listening to LUSTRE or ELDERWIND while watching the starlit of a summer's night; yet again, the same pattern from the start overtakes the whole thing and the emotion I got fades (I'll add one personal thing; I would love that that the intro stayed in, through out the whole song, but again, I'm just a listener).

   An utter image on this album would most surely be a monotonous one, because in the era of an aggression, the time of extreme metal bands, they are a breath of fresh, yet heavy air. Tearing this thing apart you will find moments and parts of epic-ness and moment of innovation in the work of guys honoring the "days of yore"; feel free to find yours!

6 / 10

Had Potential

"Heywire" Track-listing:

1. Never Blink Again
2. Under The Sun
3. Lean On Me
4. My Way Out
5. Running
6. Could Have Told Me
7. The Lost
8. Love
9. Soul Is Gone
10. Scary

Heywire Lineup:

Anders Mandrup - Vocals & Bass Guitar
Jørgen Ulbjerg - Guitar & Backing Vocals
Jørgen Hansen - Keyboards & Backing Vocals
Taz Plummer - Drums & Backing Vocals

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