Phosphorus Vol 1.


HETROERTZEN is a Black Metal band from Chile, formed in 2001. They have been pretty […]
August 22, 2022
Hetroertzen - Phosphorus Vol 1. album cover

HETROERTZEN is a Black Metal band from Chile, formed in 2001. They have been pretty prolific in the steady release of albums through 2017, and then a five year break before the newest one here. "Phosophorus Vol 1." contains ten tracks. "The Arrival" is the opening mood-setter. The soft flicker of helicopter blades sound in the distance, followed by some dark, ambient tones. "Sea in Black" is the first proper track. The production is old school, meaning "bad" unfortunately. Although the sound is pretty harrowing, this old band follow the patterns already laid down by the FBOBM bands that preceded them. The vocals are at least somewhat distinguishable however, rather than frantic screams.

"The Hall of Wonders" is more of the same. Again, the band is good at developing a frightening sound but beyond that, not much else. The vocals do vary here a little however, with the sound of the Dark Lord on the mic at times. "Absorption of the Current" is divided into two parts, nearly equal in length. There is some decent guitar work in the first song, while the second movement features some darker and more dissonant tones. The album is becoming more evil as it moves forward. "Vultus Satani" has a more straightforward riff to go along with the malignant vocals. It surges forward until the half-way mark, where it slows for just a bit. The middle section is full of various guitars working together to create the haunting atmosphere.

"Et in Arcadia Ego" is a little faster at first but still with that same old school, Black Metal blueprint. That familiar "one, two" pattern of the guitar work tells you exactly what you are listening to. "I Am Sickness, I Am Death" is another scary sound but again without much variation from the blueprint. "The Conjuring of the Seven Spirits" closes the album, and they apparently saved the best for last. Dissonant tones ring out in the opening, followed by more haunting sound. A warning: do not listen to this album alone in the dark, for it might conjure spirits from the wrong side of the afterlife.

Overall, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't anything that stood out either. I believe the band is more capable of creating better music than what they did here, but they chose to rest on a formula from the past that, while it sounds scary, is no different than hundreds of other bands out there trying to do the same thing. In today's Black Metal market especially, there is unlimited opportunity to experiment among perhaps the Metal genre with the most names.

5 / 10









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"Phosphorus Vol 1." Track-listing:

1. The Arrival
2. Sea in Black
3. The Hall of Wonders
4. Absorption of the Current l
5. Absorption of the Current II
6. Vultus Satani
7. Et in Arcadia Ego
8. I Am Sickness, I Am Death
9. Pantokrator
10. The Conjuring of the Seven Spirits

Hetroertzen Lineup:

Frater D - Drums, Vocals
Åskväder - Guitars
Anubis - Guitars, Vocals

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