Circle Of Pain
Henry Kane

To mix influences from different musical genres is the driving force of evolution, and to keep things alive. Metal itself was born from a mix of many different influences, and since “Black Sabbath” was released on 1970, more and more mixings were being done into subgenres of Metal to create more and more subgenres. Taking this idea on, it’ll not be hard to hear and understand the third album of HENRY KANE, “Circle of Pain”.
Jonny Pettersson (the mastermind and only member of the band) made the mixing and mastering of the songs, and even being something into extreme Metal ways, the choice was for something that could expose all the band’s musical elements and ideas (what means that things are sounding defined), but in brutal and aggressive way. And what very good artwork for the cover.
As a third album, it shows a formula that a set of fans already know, but for those that needs some words, the band’s music is a solid mix between influences from Death Metal, Crust, Grindcore, Black Metal (due the eerie keyboards parts) and more (pay attention to some very good melodies on “Wealth of Obscenity” to understand such words), but always plenty of musical hooks and identity. It’s not a sin to say that the band’s music is on a way similar to ANAAL NATHRAKH: nothing is sacred, nothing can’t be done, nothing can limit Jonny’s musical creativity, and the result is a brutal, catchy and intelligent form of music that bleeds in energy!
As everyone known, Jonny’s name is linked to many bands as MASSACRE, BERZERKER LEGION, WOMBBATH, BURNING THE BASTARDS, GORE BRIGADE, HEADS FOR THE DEAD, and many more, what means that he has a lot of experience. And the ideas expressed on “A Swarm of Idiots” (an apocalyptic fusion of Black Metal, Death Metal and Hardcore influences with many musical hooks filled with nasty vocals and eerie keyboards), “Fear is Rising” (another very good combination of musical elements, with nasty bass guitar parts and thunderous drums), “Numb” (fast blast beats and some Thrash/Death Metal touches arises, but what great hooks can be heard, and what lovely and insane guitars), “Circle of Pain” (the Crust/Grindcore side of the band’s music arises, but without unbalancing things up), “Wealth of Obscenity” (as said above, some excellent melodies can be heard on the guitars), and “Weird Fiction Founded” and “En Önskan I Mörkret”. It means that the album is totally excellent, so give it a spin and enjoy!
HENRY KANE is really an excellent band, and “Circle of Pain” deserves applause! Run and buy your copy, because it’s a ‘must have’ item!
10 / 10

"Circle Of Pain" Track-listing:
- A Swarm of Idiots
- Fear is Rising
- Numb
- Circle of Pain
- Wealth of Obscenity
- Weird Fiction Founded
- En Önskan I Mörkret
Henry Kane Lineup:
Jonny Pettersson - All Instruments, Vocals
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