Jesus King Of Wine


These Thrashers from Paris can win immediately your attention for many reasons, one of which […]
By Yiannis Doukas
March 20, 2008
Hemoragy - Jesus King Of Wine album cover

These Thrashers from Paris can win immediately your attention for many reasons, one of which can be their clever, funny and absolutely perfect cover art that their album has. We can see Jesus wearing denim with a bottle of wine in his hand while on the other he smokes a strange cigarette. Around him many metalheads stand, some of them wearing their favorite band's T-shirt, HEMORAGY, ha ha!!!
Except from the cover, these guys have the abilities to harm and make serious problem to your neck wealth with a hybrid done by the mixing of many, many influences from MOTORHEAD, Punk bands, SLAYER or even TANK. Their Thrash style - 'cause of its filth and dirty sound - reminded me of the English band ANIHILATED; do you remember them? The drums sounds like their drummer was recording them into a giant barrel of beer, while the vocals have an attitude like AMEBIX, being something like a Punk-ier bastard child of Lemmy.
Of much impression was their lead guitar parts that are very good, verifying their existence having a raw but analogue sound close to MOTORHEAD. Except these solo we have a bass one in Don't Sleep that is very good also. They have a vagrancy in their ideas that I liked very much and if I include their funny lyrics like in the self-titled track, which is killer, speaking probably about the miracle that the guy from the cover done multiplying the wine in a wedding, HEMORAGY becomes one of my favorites for the previous year.
So, this debut has a lot to give to all Thrashers around; when I say 'Thrashers' I don't mean the current Hardcore trend. This trio that started seven years ago, having released two demos before (one in 2003 and another in 2004 named First Blood with the same songs of the previous plus three more) must win your interest. Bang your heads!


7 / 10


"Jesus King Of Wine" Track-listing:

A Strange Man From Hell
Don't Sleep
Jesus King Of Wine
How Many Time To Compose It?
Ghost Riders
Jump Into The Bestial Pit
The Final Horseriding
Guitar Killer

Hemoragy Lineup:

Johannes Musslin - Guitar, Vocals
Lynda Siewicz - Bass
Steve Musslin - Drums

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