Morgensrødens Helvedesherre

All the way from Denmark, these guys are a melodic black metal band named HELTEKVAD which translates to 'heroic'. Their lineup consists of; OLE PEDERSEN LUK on vocals/guitars/bass guitar, SIMON SKOTTE KROGH on guitars/bass guitar and finally SIMON FRENNING SØRENSEN on drums. These musicians came from other Danish bands including AFSKY, SOLBRUD and SUNKEN. It has been said in relation to the music of HELTEKVAD, that 'what sets them apart is their approach to songwriting and creating truly mediaeval soundscapes'.
The melodic black metal trio came together in 2020 and since then they have released three singles in 2021 and 2022. These three singles which were ÆRBEDIG ER DEN SOM SERJER, EDER OG HÆDER and FORNÆGTER DIN ÆT are now featured on their debut album titled MORGENRØDENS HELVEDESHERRE released in March 2022. The intro track "Morgenrødens Ãbenbaring" with thick, grungy guitar before a yelp of vocals with slow drum parts.
Drums and guitar let loose with bone-crunching, collaborative sounds as drums or bass guitar set the tone for melodic black metal indeed. "Ærbødig Er Den Som Serjer" begins with a mediaeval intro then sliding guitar riffs lay the path for bass, drums and vocals to combine forces. Drums play some crazy, slaughtered patterns with guitar in similar rhythm as vocals roar as before. The tempo changes in time or rhythm as drums play a swaying movement before bursting into a black metal conquest of energy.
Swiftly moving on to the third track "Ved Sværdets Klinge Du Forgã" brings the heavy crispy drum patterns as guitar plays a constant tremolo effect that reaches higher ground. There is the discord of guitar, bass and drums where vocals decide to step back for a short time. Then drums vary from sustained notation and monotonous blast beats with vocals shrieking in pitch but guitar is dominant to balance the mix here. "Eder Og Hæder" comes next with gritty drums, guitar pulsating as the tempo is pushed beyond the limit of what came before.
Tempo varies again as there are more to this track with dynamics, rhythm and instrumentation. The next track "Fornægter Din Æt" rumbles with drums introducing the steadier guitar riffs as they are less crazy. The drums especially follow more of a hard rock and cleaner tone as vocals bicker as always. "Du Skæbnesvangre Stund" opens with brass sounds like trumpet or trombone before the collision course of all instruments come to the fore. Sinister vocals as they spit and spew words of fury, anger and rage. The continuity of the mass discord slows down before the next track starts.
"Døden Stãr Ved Himmelens Port" is the last track with a different opening but it merely shares the same musical direction and tone of the previous tracks. Drums do change rhythm slightly but they remain clear cut as the violent slashes of guitar or vocals throw caution to the wind. There are certainly metallic cymbal hits, as vocals rages on as the album comes to a close. Well there is certainly potential for this so called melodic black metal as I did enjoy the clashes of swords in instrumentation and dynamics. This really brings out mediaeval themes as there are short gasps of such soundscape like an old mediaeval town but we will get the full body of black metal.
6 / 10
Had Potential
"Morgensrødens Helvedesherre" Track-listing:
1. Morgenrødens Ãbenbaring
2. Ærbødig Er Den Som Serjer
3. Ved Sværdets Klinge Du Forgã
4. Eder Og Hæder
5. Fornægter Din Æt
6. Du Skæbnesvangre Stund
7. Døden Stãr Ved Himmelens Port
Heltekvad Lineup:
Ole Pedersen Luk - Vocals, Guitars and Bass Guitar
Simon Skotte Krogh - Guitars, Bass Guitar
Simon Frenning Sørensen - Drums
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