
People always ask if Metal is the devil’s music, and it’s clear that ‘no’ is the right answer. Behind bands with satanic themes are influences of the bands they like, revolt against religious infamous acts, and too many that are hard to mention. It’s not a free thing, and not even due some links between Metal and the devil. Then, when seeing satanic lyrics, remember that’s not enough to say if a band has links with hellish groups or have other reasons. And here is HELLBUTCHER, a Swedish quintet with its first album, “Hellbutcher”.
Hellbutcher (the singer) works as producer, on the engineering (of bass and vocals), mixing and art of the cover; Iron Beast (the guitarist) works as producer, on the sound engineering (bass and guitars as well), mixing and mastering; Necrophiliac (the other guitarist) works as producer, on the engineering (of bass and guitars), and mixing; and Natalie Lorichs on the engineering of the drums. It has a classic way, trying to sound organic and without modern extra takes, but always in a defined way that can be understood. And it’s really very good, indeed.
The band is formed by musicians with experience of playing on bands as NIFELHEIM, BLOODBATH, OPETH, WITCHERY, GAAHLS WYRD, UNLEASHED, FIRESPAWN, NECROPHOBIC, SIEBENBÜRGEN and many others, so their Black/Speed/Thrash Metal musical work is filled with different influences and traces, but always keeping both feet on Old School Metal approach. It’s clear that something it brings elements of the past heard on acts as BATHORY, SODOM, HELLHAMMER, CELTIC FROST, MOTÖRHEAD (what do you think that feeds “Death’s Rider” energy?), DESTRUCTION, VENOM, KREATOR and many others, but again: these guys have enough experience to understand the difference of being influenced (what they truly are) of being a copy (what they’re not). And this album is filled with massive and unstoppable energy that’s hard to resist to.
All the 8 songs of “Hellbutcher” are really excellent, but taste “The Sword of Wrath” (a sharp Speed/Black Metal song with excellent guitar riffs and nasty snarls of the vocals), “Perdition” (a total Old School Thrash/Black Metal attack with fast tempos and oppressive parts of drums and bass guitar), “Hordes of the Horned God” (where Old School Heavy Metal melodies arise in the mix sometimes, but what a catchy energy), “Death’s Rider” (with a slower appeal, this song depicts clearly how MOTÖRHEAD’s influences are behind the creation of all extreme Metal genres, here with excellent guitars and sharp chorus), and “Satan’s Power” will make you surrender to their attack.
It's great to hear a album as “Hellbutcher”, praise this offering given by HELLBUTCHER, or stay out of Metal!
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"Hellbutcher" Track-listing:
- The Sword of Wrath
- Perdition
- Violent Destruction
- Hordes of the Horned God
- Death’s Rider
- Possessed by the Devil's Flames
- Satan’s Power
- Inferno’s Rage
Hellbutcher Lineup:
Hellbutcher - Vocals
Necrophiliac - Lead Guitars
Iron Beast - Guitars
Eld - Bass
Devastator - Drums
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