
Hell Boulevard

This was a fantastic album. It is thick with many elements, including powerful riffs, backing symphonics and electronics, and lead by the great voice of Matteo Fabbiani. There is something here for every Metalhead, whether they want juicy riffs, catchy choruses, substantial weight, or melody.
June 13, 2024

From their EPK, "Requiem" marks the return of HELL BOULEVARD. The new album promises to add some more layers to the band’s multifaceted sound and delve deeper into social issues without ever losing sight of their genuine fun vibe. The band's signature blend of brazen lyrics and dark, atmospheric instrumentals has garnered them a dedicated following in the gothic rock scene, and this new chapter is sure to satisfy the thirst for more of their distinctive sound.”

The album has ten songs, and “Not Another Lovesong” is first, and it storms out of the gates with a big, rich sound, augmented with keyboards and the sultry, baritone vocals of Matteo. The sound is somewhat dark, and the chorus is a massive punch in the face. “She Just Wanna Dance” has a definite swing to it, and as a listener, you find yourself tapping your foot or banging your head, whichever you prefer, along with the rough but catchy sound. They seem to kick in up a notch in the chorus so far as well.

“Guillotine” begins with some heavy symphonic elements and a driving, weighted riff. There are just enough more tender moments to lighten the mood, but you know that sharp bar is dropping on your head and soon. “I Got What I Want, but I Lost What I Had” also has a very heavy backbone, but not at the expense of the dark melodies. Again, it all comes together in the chorus usually, and this song is no exception. “Messed Up” is another strong outing that combines the symphony of orchestral elements with electronica, and a powerful riff. The baritone vocals make the album so far…whoever said a singer had to hit the upper ranges to be impressive?

 “Weirdoes” is an ode to the individual out there…as I heard once, “we have news for the beautiful people of the world, there’s more of us than you.” Damn is this music catchy. They suck you in, surround you with melody, and spit you out as soon as you begin to warm. “Don’t Fix a Broken Heart” closes the album, and it has an emotional, sentimental sound. In keeping with the sound of the band and the themes of their music, the message is perfect, “Don’t fix a broken heart, just let it fall apart.” Overall, this was a fantastic album. It is thick with many elements, including powerful riffs, backing symphonics and electronics, and lead by the great voice of Matteo Fabbiani. There is something here for every Metalhead, whether they want juicy riffs, catchy choruses, substantial weight, or melody.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Requiem" Track-listing:

1. Not Another Lovesong

2. She Just Wanna Dance

3. The Monster

4. Guillotine

5. Rollercoasters

6. I Got What I Want, but I Lost What I Had

7. Messed Up

8. Weirdoes

9. Branded

10. Don’t Fix a Broken Heart


Hell Boulevard Lineup:

Matteo “vDiva” Fabbiani – Vocals

Von Marengo – Guitars

Raul Sanchez – Bass

Hangman – Drums


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