Walhalla Wacht


This band hails from The Netherlands and Walhalla Wacht is their second full length album […]
By Dimitris Kontogeorgakos
May 9, 2008
Heidevolk - Walhalla Wacht album cover

This band hails from The Netherlands and Walhalla Wacht is their second full length album after the 2005 release entitled De Strijdlust is Geboren. As the title implies (I think it translates into Valhalla Awaits) this is an Epic Metal album presented through the Pagan/Folklore perspective that points to bands like ENSIFERUM, WAYLANDER or even VINTERSORG.
HEIDENVOLK use the Dutch language in the lyrics enhancing the primitive atmosphere that makes you want to grab your axe and shield and fight (and should I say slain) the infidels. I don't speak Dutch, so I cannot give you details on the album's lyrical content but I can inform you that they draw their inspiration from the Dutch/German Mythology where you can find Gods, various creatures and monsters that wait for a hero to fight them.
The vocals stay mainly on the clean side using the lets sing together approach that justifies the Epic label besides the music.  I really enjoyed the guitar work here that for some reason reminded of the prime RUNNING WILD especially with the galloping rhythms and the catchy riffs during the faster breaks. I think you will agree with the previous saying during Koning Radboud or the battle hymn Opstand Der Bataven. The album gained some additional points in my personal grading scale due to the SKYCLAD references with the use of the violin that sometimes gets the role of the second guitar. Of course, the Folklore elements don't stop in the violin and extent their presence with various non-metal wind instruments. Personally, I found the vocals rather one dimensional, although there are some aggressive bursts here and there, that make the band loose some points to music diversity. On the other, the production has done an excellent work mixing all these sounds and instruments into a really solid ensemble that has both power and melody.
The album is a must-buy to all the fans of the Pagan/Viking Metal scene that I think has been gaining some publicity points lately. In fact I will attend to Chicago's 'Pagan Fest' and get myself and extra strong dose of Folklore Metal that will accompany to my journey through dark forests and cold mountains where I will soak my sword with my enemies' blood.

7 / 10


"Walhalla Wacht" Track-listing:

Koning Radboud
Wodan Heerst
Hulde Aan de Kastelein
Walhalla Wacht
Opstand Der Bataven
Het Wilde Heer
Naar De Hallen Der Gevallenen
Zwaarden Geheven

Heidevolk Lineup:

Joost Vellenknotscher - Drums
Joris Boghtdrincker - Vocals
Mark Splintervuyscht - Vocals
Reamon Bomenbreker - Guitar
Rowan Roodbaert - Bass
Sebas Bloeddorst - Guitar
Stefanie Speervrouw - Violin

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