
Hectic Patterns

To tell you the truth, with such a logo and cover artwork I was prepared […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
July 29, 2008
Hectic Patterns - Random album cover

To tell you the truth, with such a logo and cover artwork I was prepared to face a band that would be something weird like FAITH NO MORE, FANTOMAS or something that would try to be different (but as usually it would fail). Strangely, the whole design has nothing to do with the band's music since these guys are rather sick and twisted than weird...

The band was formed in late 2002 and hails from France. Thanks to the French way of thinking the band has every single word written in French - except for a small paragraph where they just say their formation date - and I have forgotten my French from the day I stopped studying them.

HECTIC PATTERNS is a technical Death Metal band with a great dose of brutality that reminded me of bands like VISCERAL BLEEDING, DECREPIT BIRTH and ARSEBREED. The fact is that the French extreme metallers have added some more modern elements to their sound making it catchier, something that helps them avoid getting lost into mazy song structure that end up sounding... well, mazy!

The production is also really nice, something that helps the music sound much better than it normally is. You know, technical Death Metal is a fucking stunning Metal genre, but you've got to have that something in your sound to differ from the average bands. HECTIC PATTERNS are brutal, technical and have decent songs, but they lack a unique and different sound that could make them bigger.

6 / 10

Had Potential

"Random" Track-listing:

Macabre Punishment
The Grand Hare Order
I'll Quit Smoking Tomorrow

Hectic Patterns Lineup:

James - Vocals
Francois - Guitar
Ludo - Guitar
Nico - Bass
Gregoire - Drums

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