

What HEAVENBLACK has going for themselves is that the know how to write songs, they are quite proficient on their instruments plus they have very competent singers in Marios Kouroupis and Dimitris Varvarigos.
October 28, 2024

Some bands are fast with recording a debut album. Others never get the chance. And then, of course, you have the ones who have to work and wait for along time before they can get on the musical album ladder. The latter is an example of what HEAVENBLACK has had to endure, as it took these Greeks ten years before they saw “Blindfolded” released by Sleazy Rider Records. I can understand why the record company took their chances in giving us a chance at HEAVENBLACK, as the NWOTHM they play is in big demand at this moment in time. A lot of the really old bands have surpassed their sell-by date and others have quit, making way for new blood to take their places.

HEAVENBLACK does fit in nicely into that category. And even though “Blindfolded” is their debut, they haven’t been idle since they started in 2014. In 2018 they released an EP called “Heavenblack”, so for some of us this is a second encounter with the band. Not for me, though, as I haven’t heard (of) the EP until now. What HEAVENBLACK has going for themselves is that the know how to write songs, they are quite proficient on their instruments plus they have very competent singers in Marios Kouroupis and Dimitris Varvarigos. Add to all of that that the sound on “Blindfolded” is really powerful and strong, and you have a recipe for success.

Well, you have a base to work on, because the icing on the cake is whether HEAVENBLACK has been able to come up with such good songs that when put together they make “Blindfolded” a very good album. Well, I am sorry to disappoint you, but although all ingredients are there, the songs are just lacking that wild and careless energy that makes you smile, which would elevate them from rather nice to quite good or even bloody marvellous. Every song in itself sounds quite convincing, but they all have the same kind of intensity and structure, even if they diversify in heaviness. When you listen to all eight songs in a row, you just get too much of the same. The band shouldn’t push away the emotions, just to sound good. When you finally realise that is what is missing 41 minutes for “Blindfolded” is just too long. HEAVENBLACK needs to allow back the spontaneity into their writing, and stop trying to be perfect. Take your time to grow and please, show more enthusiasm.

6 / 10

Had Potential








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"Blindfolded" Track-listing:


1 Hell Denied
2 My Insane
3 The Dominant
4 Heavenblack
5 On My Skin
6 Orphan
7 Clowns
8 Blindfolded


Heavenblack Lineup:


Marios Kouroupis: vocals/guitar
Dimitris Varvarigos: guitars/vocals
Giannis Patakakis: guitars
Giammis Verios: bass

Mantalena Krikelli: drums 


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