Heartwind III


Heartwind is a Swedish hard rock band that was formed in Stockholm in 2017. The […]
September 14, 2024

Heartwind is a Swedish hard rock band that was formed in Stockholm in 2017. The current line-up consists of the three core members: Göran Engvall (guitars), Mikael Rosengren (keyboards) and Peter Svensson (drums). The band plays melodic hard rock with influences from the classic rock bands of the 80s such as Journey, Whitesnake and Europe and has released two albums, “Higher and Higher” (2018) and “Strangers” (2020). This time around Heartwind have opted to bring in eight guest singers who are big names from other bands in the Melodic Rock genre to give the new album a lot more edge and dynamics,

When I read the press release for this album and saw which artists were singing on this record I was really excited to listen to this album. ”Warrior” starts this album with a bang featuring Jackob Samuel (The Poodles) on vocals it is a very strong opener, absolutely superb musically the guitars ,keys and rhythm are phenomenal ,melodic rock polished to perfection. "Facing The Night" features Robert Van Der Swann lead singer of Remedy who's album “Pleasure Beats The Pain” is one of my top albums of the year. Another strong melodic rock track which has that Remedy sound stamped all over it, If like me you love Remedy you will dig this track. ”Struck By Love” is a fast paced rocker, hard rhythm in the Whitesnake mould with Matti Alfonzetti (Jagged Edge ) providing some great vocals which really make this track a solid offering.

Now Is The Time” features Andreas Novak (House of Shakira) shows great range in the verses ,but in the chorus it sounds a little flat vocally for me, musically love the guitar solo and melody, with some nice backing vocals which rescues the track in the chorus. ”One Reason” & “Cry For Love” see Rick Altzi (Gathering Of Kings) provide vocals for these two tracks, really well delivered vocally but the latter is the stronger track, it has a more dynamic edge in the chorus ,a little edgier musically with some grittier guitar riffs and solo. Thomas Vikström (Candlemass & Therion) also features on two tracks “Blink Of An Eye” & “Brothers” who is someone that I haven't heard before ,but I was impressed by his contribution to this album two very strong tracks vocally, the former has a catchy chorus ,with the latter having some superb keyboard layers & guitar runs absolute killer melodic rock.

”Crying In The Rain” features Nina Söderquist (solo) the only female singer on this album who delivers the best track for me on this album, soaring vocals ,huge chorus an amazing track. ”Rocking Heroes” the final track features Matt Marinelli (Borealis) delivers another melodic track with some powerful vocals a fitting end to this album. Heartwind “Heartwind III” is a very strong album Pride & Joy Music have released some great albums this year, this  release is another one of them. There is some great tracks on this album the musicality is excellent ,but for me what makes this album stronger is the different singers that appear on these tracks. Each singer gives that special performance vocally to whichever track they appear on making it sound superb. A very strong release indeed, I though I had my top albums of 2024 sorted but then I heard this! A definite listen or purchase for all fans of Melodic Rock, I know that I will be buying this upon release.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Heartwind III" Track-listing:


2.Facing The Night

3,Struck By Love

4.Now Is The Time

5.One Reason

6.Blink Of An Eye

7.Cry For Love


9.Crying In The Rain

10.Rocking Heroes

Heartwind Lineup:

Jackob Samuel (Lead Vocals Track 1)

Robert Van Der Swann (Lead Vocals Track 2)

Matti Alfonzetti (Lead Vocals Track 3)

Andreas Novak (Lead Vocals Track 4)

Rick Altzi (Lead Vocals Tracks 5 & 7)

Thomas Vikström (Lead Vocals 6 & 8)

Nina Söderquist (Lead Vocals Track 9)

Matt Marinelli (Lead Vocals Track 10)

Fredrik Folkare Göran Engvall,

Henrik Bergqvist, Carl Berglund, (Guitars)

Peter Svensson (Drums)

Nalle Påhlsson,: Fredrik Folkare,

Göran Engvall (Bass)

Mikael Rosengren,Göran Engvall (Keyboards)

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