Hate Eternal
October 11, 2015

Ah, Florida Death Metallers HATE ETERNAL are back again with their sixth studio album "Infernus". I'm like a kid at the candy store with this one. Formed back in 1997, every self-respecting metalhead has at least heard of HATE ETERNAL. If not, you need to have a serious word with yourself. It's been four years since their last release so the level of excitement here is sky high!
Opening song "Locust Swarm" serves as the graceful welcoming embrace of a mother swan to the album... If that mother swan was a demonic entity screaming profanities into your face. This song is fast and heavy right from the first second. Face melting riffage, heart attack inducing drums and screams that will wake the dead. The rest of the album is not much different, but that's not a surprise coming from such a legendary band.
Three songs later comes the track "La Tempestad" which makes want to open up a pit in your bedroom, on the bus, at work with your colleagues or wherever you're listening to it. The riff is somewhat melodic under all the chaotic exterior, yet it doesn't stick out like a hipster in Starbucks. The vocals are as brutal as ever and just proves that old HATE ETERNAL will never die.
The track "Zealot, Crusader of War" starts off somewhat slow and has a hint of Black Metal about it. But that doesn't last long and yet again, we're assaulted with the usual Death Metal brutality. The guitar work goes above and beyond the usual tremolo picking chaos and brings us something far more melodic yet still keeping to the theme.
The song that stands out to me on this album is the very last song, "O' Majestic Being, Hear My Call". It begins, yet again, slightly Black Metal-eqsue with some high pitched chord work and all around eerie feeling. There is something different about this track, each instrument is slightly different in tone and pace which makes for a different sounding song, different in a great way! At around the four minute mark we're treated to a very euphonic guitar solo. The thing that stands makes this song stand out against the rest of the album.
"Infernus" is one of HATE ETERNAL's best releases. It encompasses everything a good Death Metal album should have. Demonic vocals, guitar work that sounds like Beelzebub himself would be proud, along with the blasting war beats of the Underworld coming from the drums. None of this is news to me, I expected nothing short of perfection from these guys and I definitely wasn't disappointed. This album is a Masterpiece.
10 / 10

"Infernus" Track-listing:
1. Locust Swarm
2. The Stygian Deep
3. Pathogenic Apathy
4. La Tempestad
5. Infernus
6. The Chosen One
7. Zealot, Crusader of War
8. Order of The Arcane Scripture
9. Chaos Theory
10. O' Majestic Being, Hear My Call
Hate Eternal Lineup:
Erik Rutan - Vocals, Guitars
J.J. Hrubovcak - Bass, Backing Vocals
Chason Westmoreland - Drums
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