
Harvest Gulgaltha

The Black Metal scene in the United States is at perhaps its most creative and […]
By Danny Sanderson
March 1, 2015
Harvest Gulgaltha - Necrosophic album cover

The Black Metal scene in the United States is at perhaps its most creative and successful period at the moment. From the raw, morbid sounds of LEVIATHAN to the razor sharp, Synth-driven melodies of HUMUT TABAL, there is plenty of bands that out that from all across the Black Metal spectrum that are producing really great music at the moment. HARVEST GULGALTHA are one of these bands. Their first full length album, "Necrosophic" is sure to cement their place within the US Black Metal scene.

As soon as the opening track, "Throes of Opulence", leaps out of the speakers, it's extremely clear how good this album is going to be. It has a very old school Death Metal sound, with strong, thrashing guitar leads and a raw production. To be blunt, it sounds fantastic. Servant of the Black Cross" has an eerie, dissonant quality to it, and it is the song on which the Black Metal influences in their sound start to become more prominent. "Of Power and Suspension" starts off with some really cool, tribal drumming, backed with some strange, Ambient sounds that builds the atmosphere on this song nicely. And then, just over half way through the track, one of the fastest, most ferocious Blackened Death Metal songs I've ever heard kicks into gear. It's hair-raisingly brilliant.

"Liberation of Corporeal Flesh" is a almost the polar opposite to its predecessor; whereas the last song was fast and fierce, this song is much slower, with a more Death Doom sound to it. The guitar and drum parts in this song complement each other very well and really make the track as good as it can be. "Rebirth of Infinite Wisdom" is a mid-paced, raw and metallic track which is very good and has some more slow, thick riffs in a Death Doom style. "Zenith of Formless Chaos" is essentially an old school Death Metal track that I'm sure most bands would love to call their own. It gradually gets more and more powerful as it goes along, and is a great way to lead into the next track, "Defleshed in Revelation", the fast and furious penultimate song. At just over two minutes long, it is the shortest track on the record, but it is undoubtedly one of the strongest piece of music on here at the same time. It's a thick, gnarly wall of noise that doesn't get any less aggressive as it goes along. The final song, "Black Fire of the Other Side", oppressively dark and heavy at points, and ends up being a very strong song on which to close this album.

As far as debut records go, this is a fairly solid one, and has a lot of great aspects to it, from the musicianship to the awesome production. With any luck, they will build on the sound and style that they've got on this album, because it really is amazing. If you like rawer Blackened Death Metal, check this out.

8 / 10


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"Necrosophic" Track-listing:

1. Throes of Opulence
2. Servant to the Black Cross
3. Of Power and Suspension
4. Liberation of Corporeal Flesh
5. Rebirth of Infinite Wisdom
6. Zenith of Formless Chaos
7. Defleshed in Revelation
8. Black Fire of the Other Side

Harvest Gulgaltha Lineup:

No Members listed.

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