Human Nature


Metal maniacs, rejoice! The Thrasher returns to present to you: HARDLINE; signed via Frontiers Records, […]
By Craig "Thrashing" Rider
December 24, 2016
Hardline - Human Nature album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! The Thrasher returns to present to you: HARDLINE; signed via Frontiers Records, hailing from the United States of American...performing Hard Rock, on their 5th album entitled "Human Nature".

Since formation in 1991, the quintet in question have 4 albums behind them, I'm acquainted with their 5th - "Human Nature". Originally formed by brothers Johnny Gioeli & Joey Gioeli; this is the only record that consists of one original member...Johnny - since 2012. What to make of this one then? Hard Rock is one of those genres that can seem like a "been there, done that" kind of situation - for us Metal Heads. Yet what's interesting about HARDLINE is their implementation of melodies in fruition; anthem-like instrumentation, and musicianship of classy integrity profoundly executes an unprecedented discovery. At first my expectations were fairly low; yet I do try to enjoy the simplicity of Rock in its purist form as much as I can. While of course any sub-genre is not entirely simple; it can still be difficult to create when you put your mind to it, in's not as simple as you may think.

Consisting of a 5-piece quartet with Johnny Gioeli on vocals, who has a similar style to that of STEEL PANTHER vocalist Lexxi Foxx, in a weird comparable way...yet still quite a relevant one regarding both band's Rock band status', still showcases emotion yet powerful cords from the opening track "Where Will We Go From Here". The melodic structure from Alessandro Del Vecchio on keyboards and backing vocals element at more unprecedented atmospherics; making for a complex listen. "Nobody's Fool" amps up with pummeling riffery from Josh Ramos on guitars; implements at a nice WHITESNAKE mid-80s era of Hard Rock sound. The pummeling powerhouse of Anna Portalupi on bass & Francesco Jovino on drums, proves more dexterity in their contributions for this elegantly produced Hard Rock sound with stunning efficiency. With that, 11 tracks of Hard Rock elegance await review...

The titular track, "Human Nature", is basically an epic power ballad; a bluesy rocker, albeit a little bit cheesy. Similarly found with "Trapped In Muddy Waters" ...I felt compelled to use the cheese a little bit often in this review, there are however unparalleled indifferences here and there that dispels that word...for, the simplicity I mentioned earlier is effective yet, songs like "Running On Empty", pummels up higher ramifications in the process. "The World Is Falling Down" is a similar ballad exert, which showcases the emotional effects of high-end vocals and instrumentation, while this is evident in tracks like, "Take Me Home" ...the simplicity comes back in full force and feels a little flat; yet still sounding fairly enjoyable at the same time. "Where The North Wind Blows", "In The Dead Of The Night", & "United We Stand", keep up the traditional catchiness that HARDLINE foretells; all is not simple, more - musically fulfilling.

"Fighting The Battle," concludes "Human Nature" with one final thought of the album, and that is, it's an enlightening musical rocker that will declare for a truly magnificent listen. Probably not for Metal extremists...but worth checking out at least once.<

7 / 10









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"Human Nature" Track-listing:

1. Where Will We Go From Here
2. Nobody's Fool
3. Human Nature
4. Trapped In Muddy Waters
5. Running On Empty
6. The World Is Falling Down
7. Take You Home
8. Where The North Wind Blows
9. In The Dead Of The Night
10. United We Stand
11. Fighting The Battle

Hardline Lineup:

Johnny Gioeli - Vocals
Alessandro Del Vecchio - Keyboards, Backing Vocals
Josh Ramos - Guitars
Anna Portalupi - Bass
Francesco Jovino - Drums

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