

The seven-piece progressive rock/metal act from London is back with their latest offering in the […]
By Chelsea Jennings
December 12, 2014
Haken - Restoration album cover

The seven-piece progressive rock/metal act from London is back with their latest offering in the form of an EP titled "Restoration". HAKEN's latest release sounds like an extraterrestrial-age piece of progressive rock/metal with electronic elements mixed in. The entire concepts follows the idea of an unknown future, and the melancholy parts remind humankind what we have done to the earth so far, and question if the damage done is something that can be reversed.

The first track "Darkest Light" is a great mix of "HAKEN'S" progressive rock/metal sound accompanied by an electronic mix of keyboards added to it. As this single discusses the faith can get someone into a mess in their life. This is suggested to happen if the person goes from not feeling guilt to being so overcome with guilt that we cannot live with ourselves anymore. Mankind must realize that our actions that have helped ruin this world. The second track "Earthings" begins with a deep, low sound and slow strumming guitar. This track talks about how people have their greed ignited by sin. It goes on to talk about how they have created a bed of lies for themselves about how this world has become what it is. Mankind will not admit that our selfishness and greed caused this world to be how it is today. The people in this song are plummeted endlessly into dark, burning piles of ashes upon death for their doings. The rest of the people still on this planet have to live in the hell that the rest of those people created through their careless actions while here on earth. Our suffering is mankind's doing, and there is nothing else to blame it on. The third track "Crystallised" is the slowest and most electronic track on the record. This song discusses the switches over to the fate of humanity as people slowly slip away, longing for a change in the air. The song takes on a more relaxed feel as the person slips into a dreamland of what they wish the world were like for the remainder of the EP.

The album cover also symbolizes the album well. IT shows people of various sorts floating through some sort of time-space continuum as they are holding items that symbolize both time [hourglass] and life [an animal, rose, etc.], and how we as human beings are the caretakers of these things. This represents the relationship we have with the lives we have been given on this planet. Now its up to us to do what we will with that life.<

8 / 10


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"Restoration" Track-listing:

1. Darkest Light
2. Earthlings
3. Crystallised

Haken Lineup:

Ross Jennings - Vocals
Charles Griffiths - Guitars
Richard Henshall - Guitars, Keyboards
Diego Tejeida - Keyboards
Connor Green - Bass
Ray Hearne - Drums

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