Friggas Web

Hagalaz Runedance

Another surprise for me this month. While I did come across the name Hagalaz' Runedance […]
By David Kaluza
June 3, 2002
Hagalaz Runedance - Friggas Web album cover

Another surprise for me this month. While I did come across the name Hagalaz' Runedance before, something always left me in the assumption that this was some sort of black/folk metal band (the fact that this is a Hammerheart release of course strengthened that).
Of course shortly after putting the disc on I found out that this has absolutely nothing to do with black metal or metal at all, but that Hagalaz' Runedance is the sole creation of Andrea Nebel Haugen and is all about pure folk. It was just minutes after that discovery however that I found myself totally immersed in the beauty on offer here.
From the beginning to the very end, the music just manages to suck you in, taking you on a ride through ancient times filled with nearly forgotten pagan wisdom and mysteries, and you almost feel sorry for leaving all of that behind once the album ends. (luckily for us modern technology provided us with a repeat button). Everything about Frigga's Web just feels completely right, be it the beautifull vocal melodies (and their accompanying, thoughtfull lyrics) or the host of acoustic instruments on offer here, this album comes close to perfection.
Really, personally I feel that this is something that has to be heard by everyone as everything about this record is wonderfully beautifull and magic (and without a doubt the previous albums as well - which I will go and check out as soon as possible). Definitly a must-have for anyone even the slightest bit interested in folk music.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

"Friggas Web" Track-listing:

The Crossing
Hel - Goddess Of The Underworld
Frigga's Web
Little Light
Raven Night
Albion Autumn
Where The Lonely Souls Go
The Home That I Never Will See
The Soul Of A Hound

Hagalaz Runedance Lineup:

Andrea Nebel Haugen - Vocals, Drums, Percussion & Bodran
Kristian Nordeide - Bagpipes, Lute, Lyre, Naglharpa, Bombarde, Colascione, Vihuela, Recorders & Tin-Whistles
Goran Hallmarken - Hurdy-Gurdy & Arabian Drum
Zilla Eidskrem - Programming & Synth

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