Freedom Rock


Here I have one of my favourite new bands. Their 2008 debut was definitely a […]
By Caterina Zoi
June 9, 2010
H.E.A.T. - Freedom Rock album cover

Here I have one of my favourite new bands. Their 2008 debut was definitely a pure masterpiece. Generally, as I've said before, I don't like all this "Eurovision Idea" and fortunately H.E.A.T. didn't make it to the finals... But their song "1000 Miles" was a very good song and generally this band has many things to offer.

They come from Sweden (of course) and were formed in 2007. They are all great musicians and we were all surprised when we listened to their debut. Now the difficult part for them is to do something better or similar to the first one. Let's see...

When I first listened to "Beg Beg Beg" long before the album was released I wasn't that impressed. I can say that I found "Tonight" much more impressive and then I thought that they are going to do something good but not good enough to prove that they are worth the glory that their debut gave them. But fortunately I was wrong... "Freedom Rock" is an awesome album!

Beginning with "Beg Beg Beg" and then continuing with "Black Night" in which we can hear Kenny singing with Tobias Sammet from EDGUY and AVANTASIA, "Danger Road" and then the first slow moment "Shelter"...I can still sing this song...just great!!! "We're Gonna Make It To The End","Stay" and "Nobody Loves You Like I Do" and I think to myself that this album can't get any better and we're only half way through... "Everybody Wants To Be Someone" is another great slow moment of this album. "I Know What It Takes", "Living In A Memory" and "Cast Away" and I'm speechless... I realise that this album is pretty different from their first one but at the same time it's as good as the debut one. Three more songs: "I Can't Look The Other Way", "Who Will Stop The Rain" and "Tonight", which when I first listened to I was very impressed and it was the song that made me anticipate hard (for) their second album.

All I have to say is a huge "well done!" to this band. Some will say that nothing compares to their first album. Maybe they are true... Maybe I'm so impressed by "Freedom Rock" that I can't think about anything else. From the first time I said that I was going to listen to this album separately without comparing it to their first one.And I believe it's the best thing to do if you want to enjoy it... Feel the heat!!!

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

"Freedom Rock" Track-listing:
  1. Beg Beg Beg
  2. Black Night
  3. Danger Road
  4. Shelter
  5. We're Gonna Make It To The End
  6. Stay
  7. Nobody Loves You Like I Do
  8. Everyone Wants To Be Someone
  9. I Know What It Takes
  10. Living In A Memory
  11. Cast Away
  12. I Can't Look The Other Way
  13. Who Will Stop The Rain
  14. Tonight
H.E.A.T. Lineup:

Kenny Leckremo - Vocals
Dave Dalone - Guitar
Eric Rivers - Guitar
Jona Tee - Keyboards
Jimmy Jay - Bass
Crash - Drums

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