I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream


When the musical maturity is added to the experience and know-how, we can speak therefore […]
By Yassine "Spiritcrusher" Mankai
June 17, 2013
Grot - I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream album cover

When the musical maturity is added to the experience and know-how, we can speak therefore about the necessary ingredients to push the boundaries of creativity. This is the case of "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream", the first EP of GROT, an Irish super group of Death / Grind Metal. And it is not anyone behind the instruments, starting with the machine Kevin Talley on drums known to have collaborated with DYING FETUS, SIX FEET UNDER and HATE ETERNAL (and the list is long). Then there is the guitarist John Roche from the band GAMA BOMB adds his touch and finally the voice of Eoin Broughal ex-WARPATH.

GROT is a band that is not created to waste time, in fact members know exactly what looks like a piece of Death / Grind, and they are set to work immediately. "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream" consists of short songs, but it is enough to damage your ears. And believe me; do not listen to it if you are not fan of pure brutality, harsh voice and blast beats. This EP is a pure feast for those who want to turn their brains for 13 minutes in a real battlefield.

Returning to the six pieces of this EP, I noticed two approaches tackled by Kevin Talley and his company. The first concentrates instead on great grooves well controlled, with slow tempos and riffs more analyzed, as "Impervious To The Cause" which is distinguished with a little more melody and a great solo set in advance, one of the best tracks on this EP. In the same context "Kleptomania", a track that exudes Thrash Metal, with a set of heavier and stronger drums playing. The second approach is in my opinion the pure Grind, with the speed and brutality at the same time. And this is on the manner of NAPALM DEATH or DYING FETUS. I consider that this part of "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream" has tagged with the true personality of Kevin Talley known to be one of the most influential drummers in the Death / Grind scene. And it is in "Revoked" or in the cover of NAPALM DEATH, "Unchallenged Hate" that you can feel all this approach.

Behind this EP, it smells a great studio working to finish with such a great result, and it shows that it is a group of musicians who know how to put together the energy and brutality for a very convincing result.

8 / 10


"I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream" Track-listing:

1. Commodities
2. Withering Worlds
3. Impervious To The Cause
4. Kleptomania
5. Unchallanged Hate (Napalm Death)
6. Revoked

Grot Lineup:

Kevin Talley - Drums
John Roche - Guitars, Bass
Eoin Broughal - Vocals

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