Try - DEMO


Most people are unaware of the power the Russian Metal scene beholds. I guess this […]
By Michael Dalakos
September 5, 2005
Grenouer - Try - DEMO album cover

Most people are unaware of the power the Russian Metal scene beholds. I guess this has to do with the fact that most Russian labels put interest only in their country's market (which is really big as you can imagine from the size of Russia). A fine example is Grenouer, a band that has been around for almost 15 years, has several albums in its arsenal but they are relatively unknown outside their country.
Grenouer has to be one of the oldest bands still active in the Russian Federation. They started in 1992 (!) and during that period they released a series of albums and demos (the albums are mostly released by Russian premier CD Maximum).
Though the band started off as a brutal Death Metal act, they've progressed to more industrial patterns. Their latest attempt is entitled Try, it's a three-tracked demo where the industrial elements have become dominant. It's quite obvious that the band worships the mid period of Fear Factory. The most serious problem I usually stumble upon when it comes to industrial is the lack of inspiration and the inability of a band to avoid repetition. Fortunately enough Grenouer didn't show such signs in their demo. Of course I can't really put my hand in the fire; remember this is a three track demo, of what they could achieve in a full length release under these circumstances.
Thumbs up also go to the pounding production, something essential in this kind of music. The demo was recorded at Phantom Pain Studios in November, 2004, engineered by Antti Ihalainen, mixed at Astia-A Studios by Anssi Kippo in November, 2004, also produced by Kippo. Mastered at Paz Studios by Paz in April, 2005 - thanks guys for the info!
All in all this is a very interesting demo in its field. If the forthcoming album of the act carries the same quality these three songs contain, I'm pretty sure that Grenouer will make an impact on the scene.

"Try - DEMO" Track-listing:

Devil's Eye
All Along The Runway
Powdering Squeeze

Grenouer Lineup:

Ind - Vocals
Motor - Guitars
Slavij - Bass
Grave - Drums

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