Power To The Filthy Masses
March 1, 2022

Frosty, esoteric goodness. Swiss outfit GRAVPEL are here with their first full length release "Power To The Filthy Masses" and bring you just about all you could want from a black metal album. Living for the classic black metal sound GRAVPEL by their own admission are here to show a finger to all the "miserable right-wing and NSBM shitheels trying to claim black metal for their ideology!" And it is clear they are uncompromisingly in their message from the off.
Their sound is very in keeping with traditional black metal, full of icy, overdriven guitars removing all low end from the mix to create a caustic assault on the senses, hypnotic blast beats from the drums driving everything forward eternally and screams of fire and fury to bring a chill to the bone. Tremolo riffing combined with a thrash rock bounce creates a sound not to dissimilar to the "Deathcrush" EP by black metal pioneers MAYHEM albeit with significantly better production.
As mentioned there is some bounce and groove underpinning the entire sound heard particularly strongly in "Dividing Scars | Lines in the Dirt" clearly showcasing the bands love for punk and hardcore, helping to inject the songs with some absolutely blistering pace without losing the keen ear for melody the band has. That's not to say this is a melodic record as such, but there is a strong melodic sense throughout the riffing which supports the rock'n'roll vibe and general attitude GRAVPEL want to give off.
"A Revolution yet to come | A reality yet to embrace" is another particular standout moment on this record, a drum intro sounding like IRON MAIDEN'S "Where Eagles Dare" we move into this bluesy mid paced riff that is right out of TONY IOMI'S play books, underpinned by squalling and ringing chords and pick scrapes. This adds another interesting flavour to the mix which they meld expertly into the overall sound without confusion. It drifts so well from mid paced groove (something not widely heard in the realms of black metal) into the blistering pace of the main part of the song. It's like a call to arms before the onslaught of riotous fury.
This is an album that feels like hero worship in the best possible way, whilst the way they blend themes and passages together is an interesting take on the well established sound of of both black metal and hardcore and crust punk, there is perhaps little new and innovation in the sonic make up of the songs. However what they do, they do so well and with such conviction that this album becomes instantly a truly fantastic experience and one to warrant many multiple listens in future
Finally the melding of traditional black metal riffing and atmospheres with crusty and punkier song structures and attitudes, imagine the bastard offspring of DARKTHRONE and DISCHARGE if you will is sure to bring an incendiary live performance.
8 / 10
"Power To The Filthy Masses" Track-listing:
1. Call to Action/Grind them to Waste
2. Dividing Scars/Lines in the Dirt
3. First Spark of the Inferno/Set Ablaze
4. Anomy/A Thin Scab of Civilisation
5. Of Violence and Structure
6. A revolution yet to come/A reality yet to embrace
7. What we aim for/Power to the filthy Masses
8. Tribute to Tiqqun/Identity
Gravpel Lineup:
S - Drums
L - Guitars
S - Guitars
L - Vocals
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