

Would you like to have a nice trip back in the 70s? If yes, GRAVEYARD […]
By Yiannis Doukas
February 29, 2008
Graveyard - Graveyard album cover

Would you like to have a nice trip back in the 70s? If yes, GRAVEYARD will be your guide for a wonderful travel. Who are they? Well, they are coming from Gothenburg, Sweden, formed in November of 2006 and despite the fact of their very young age as a band, the album reflects working practice of many years length.
Two of the members, Joakim and Rikard, were in NORRSKEN and all of them (plus the drummer) were in ALBATROS. In the end of 2006 they recorded a two-track demo and after that they signed a contract with Transubstans Records with result the release of this self-titled first album in the ending of year 2007. After the recordings, Truls left the band and Jonatan Ramm replaced him.
It's a little difficult to describe their music, 'cause there are no obvious influences. The whole 'base' sound can be set in the 70s not only because of their vintage and analogue production which was achieved by Don Ahlsterberg but also because it's not hard to see some references from bands like BLACK SABBATH, PENTAGRAM or even BLUE CHEER. But if their sound was a forgotten kingdom I believe that the king of that would be CREAM. Except all these old paintings above their sound, they include some modern old ones like WITCHCRAFT, FIREBIRD, MONSTER MOGNET or the same-label band BURNING SAVIOURS.
Their music has a warm 'feel' that can't be denied. A perfect company for lonely times in front of your window while outside the rain mitigates the thirst of mother earth, having a glass of wine to calm your mind or a nice soundtrack for meetings in your houses with your friends having Graveyard as a relaxing music substratum. Also, the band expands their music horizons staying not only in Rock domains but also in blues, psychedelic, garage or folk. This gives an extra personality making them more special. For example, Blue Soul could be a curbing HAWKWIND song mainly for its traveling or spacey character. This thing is present in most of their songs but they don't push it too far, away from considering them as an under-the-influence band or something like that. Satan's Finest is also a nice song; well, to tell you the truth all the music here is very good.
GRAVEYARD was a pleasant surprise and a very good album for funs of WITCHCRAFT, FIREBIRD or rockers of the 70s. You can see them playing live in USA in this March and from April and onwards they will have a tour in Europe. Do you dare to enter into this spooky graveyard?

8 / 10


"Graveyard" Track-listing:

Evil Ways
Thin Line
Lost In Confusion
Don't Take Us For Fools
Blue Soul
Submarine Blues
As The Years Pass By, The Hours Bend
Right Is Wrong
Satan's Finest

Graveyard Lineup:

Joakim Nilsson - Vocals, Guitars
Rikard Edlund - Bass
Truls Morck - Guitars, Vocals, Piano, Organ
Axel Sjodahl - Drums

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