This Place Is Poison

Graves At Sea

This Place is Poison is the first release by GRAVES AT SEA after their split […]
By Daniel Silva
April 24, 2014
Graves At Sea - This Place Is Poison album cover

This Place is Poison is the first release by GRAVES AT SEA after their split in 2008. This mini-EP has only two songs but it is almost twenty minutes long, the first song, "This Place is Poison", is an original while the second is a cover of the BLACK SABBATH song "Orchid / Lord of This World". I have never heard of this band until this release, so I asked myself, does this EP show a band worth knowing?

Let me go straight to the point and say: "No, it doesn't". Not even for its BLACK SABBATH cover, which they have ruined. This EP is not worth checking out, their sound is your classical over-distorted-as-an-excuse-for-heaviness Sludge Metal and to top it off you have a bad growl-like vocal accompanied by an equally, if not worse, shrieking backing vocal that sounds like a cat spitting a fur ball. Do yourself a favor and stay away from this release.

3 / 10


"This Place Is Poison" Track-listing:

1. This Place Is Poison
2. Orchid / Lord of This World (Black Sabbath cover)

Graves At Sea Lineup:

Nick Phit - Guitars
Nathan Misterek - Vocals
Jeff McGarrity - Bass
Bryan Sours - Drums

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