Graveyard Of Angels

Gory Blister

Mascot Records has indeed gathered some great bands that have amazed me with their works […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
April 2, 2009
Gory Blister - Graveyard Of Angels album cover

Mascot Records has indeed gathered some great bands that have amazed me with their works (SADUS, PESTILENCE, C-187 and DEMIURG just to name a few). GORY BLISTER will be hopefully added to this list and will add one more great release by the Dutch label that - if you ask me - is a real force to be reckoned in the music industry. When big Metal labels have been swamped with shitty new bands, Mascot is really giving a fine example.

GORY BLISTER come from Italy, the country that has made its Metal tradition known by bands like RHAPSODY OF FIRE and LACUNA COIL (these two managed to hit the mainstream for good). Formed in 1991 (pretty old band, don't you think?), the Italian quartet has only a few releases if you think about the years they have been active. Their first release through Mascot (Skymorphosis, their second full-length album) came out in 2006.

Three years later the Italians return with their third full-length effort Graveyard Of Angels determined to prove that their country can produce some ass kicking technical Death Metal. Yeah, you heard me right. GORY BLISTER are all about technical Death Metal. Some compare them to NECROPHAGIST, but being a true lover of the German hypertechnical masters I wouldn't even dare doing such a thing. Building a musical structure that is based on Death Metal, GORY BLISTER have added some melodic elements to make the whole thing brutal, yet approachable by the average listener. One band that comes in mind when listening to Graveyard Of Angels is the French technical Death Metal band GOROD. If you know these French deathsters you will surely find some similarities between the two bands.

The band is definitely not the best or the most unique Death Metal band I have ever come across, but their well structured compositions, the clean and heavy production and great craftsmanship of its members makes them a more than decent investment for every Death Metal maniac out there. I guess you should check them out...

7 / 10


"Graveyard Of Angels" Track-listing:

The Hatch Opens
Void Made Flesh
All Vanishing Ruins
The Descent
Emit Despale
The Slum Of The Wretched Creatures
The Shining Hades
Graveyard Of Angels
Emit Despale (Remix)

Gory Blister Lineup:

Dominic - Vocals
Raff - Guitar
Roby - Bass
Joe - Drums

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