

It's kinda surprising, eventually, to discover how many bands use such a kitchy name like […]
By Thodoris Pantazopoulos
May 9, 2004
Golem - Dreamweaver album cover

It's kinda surprising, eventually, to discover how many bands use such a kitchy name like Golem for their logo. When I first got the promo in my hands,all I wished for was not to be another release from the Italian ''maestros'' of metal (*strangling laughter*) but something worth to bother with.
After refreshing my memory and with a small assistance from the mighty encyclopedia of Metal, I managed to remember the story behind these guys. A band which was formed somewhere in 1989 and delivered 2 releases (actually 3 including this one) so far, cannot be taken as a starter or be snubbed in any occasion. Some say that a band's 3rd album is decisive for it's career, therefore it is definitely required to show the proper respect and attention, though they don't seem to deserve it really...
Now that I'm reconsidering it and second thoughts cross my mind, all I could simply write  the castrated Morbid Angel and finish easily this review. The drumming rhythms, not the speed (they wished...), the swampy guitar sound that so much we adored from Death Metal's most unholy band, are present in every single song of  Dreamweaver. So is this that bad? as most of you may probably wonder. No, it's not, but at this moment the characterization castrated resolves everything.
Possibly these guys are aware of their sound's resemblance to Morbid Angel so they've decided to enhance it, not to be accused of audacious copying. Foolish, annoying, childish Power Metal solos that would die to have some of Azagthoth's shine, oriental creations and a vocalist that in the best case could be a member of a n.w.o.s.d.m.'s second picking band.
It would be bliss for our music to have bands performing like the blasphemous angels, but at the same time to have the dignity to show some elements of their own personality. Golem seriously lacks of it and that's a pity because they have fine hearings and influences but...is this enough? No.

4 / 10

Nothing special

"Dreamweaver" Track-listing:

Remote Control
The Tower
Le sacre Du Printemps

Golem Lineup:

Andreas Hilbert - Vocals & Guitar
Carsten May - Guitar
Rainer Humeniuk - Bass
Eric Krebs - Drums

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