In Good And Evil


Impressive! This band could easily be Evanescence in the place of Evanescence. I have never […]
By Michael Dalakos
November 4, 2006
Godyva - In Good And Evil album cover

Impressive! This band could easily be Evanescence in the place of Evanescence. I have never heard something so close to the US million-selling band. Wait a second - does the word Evanescence cause you anaphylaxis shock? Then you better stop reading from now on. Since it doesn't get anymore metal than this with Godyva.
The band was formed in 2000. The original line-up has changed little from that of the present one, included vocalist Cristina Argese (a.k.a. Lady Godyva), guitarist Frahn, former drummer of Carpe Diem Enyo and bassist Nick Barah of Vespertilia. Within the same yeah Nick Barah departed and Nicola Masi was hired for the spot. In addition to this line up In May, 2001 Keyboard player Botys Beezart joined the band. In 2002 the band records an EP titled Advert. In 2003 Nicola Masi departs and gets replaced by Hyrha (what? who?). The band spends most of 2003 in touring and performing. Once again the spot of bass is left blank but soon the original bass player returns! In late 2005 the band finally starts working on their debut album...
Two elements define the music of Godyva. The first thing is the excellent voice of their singer, Lady Godyva (chic). This gal has a really good voice, probably one of the best I have heard for a long time. Though her style brings in mind several women of this industry she manages to put a personal mark on this album. Obviously the majority of the songs are crafted to rotate around this great voice... the other element is the industrial / dark tone the band is desperately trying to adopt, this works from time to time but at points in my ears it seems that they are overdoing it.
Is this a good album? yes IF you are a fan of Evanescence or Lacuna Coil you will probably find in this one all the elements that made the aforementioned acts your favorite ones. Looking forward to listen more stuff from them.

6 / 10

Had Potential

"In Good And Evil" Track-listing:

Dreams Of A Child
Lovable Sin
In Good And Evil
Soul Desert
Flame Flower
Light At Last!
Broken Angel
Blue Shadows

Godyva Lineup:

Enyo - Drums
Frahn - Guitars
Lady Godyva - Vocals
Botys Beezart - Keyboards
Nick Barah - Bass

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