November 15, 2018
Founded in 2015 and having one self-released full length in 2016, India's GODLESS released their debut E.P. "Swarm" on October 27th, 2018 via Transcending Obscurity. Since "Swarm" has a 6-minute duration and the first track, "Exordium" is an intro, this will likely be the shortest review EVAR. But hey short and sweet doesn't indicate any type of suckage. "Exordium" is the answer to every death metal bands intro. While most just play ambient sounds of suffering taken from a Hellraiser movie or stick a mic outside to capture rain coupled with generic lady moans and children screams, "Exordium" sounds like it was taken straight from a snuff film. Very realistic in capturing a grotesque, dark, and overall creepy leader to the music that is soon to follow.
"Infected by the Black" is a straightforward heavy groove that hands off to the brutal death metal that made the 90's great. At the 1:10 mark there is just:: claps hands:: chunky, hard-hitting, riffage. The type you can just sink your teeth into and thoroughly enjoy feeling each layer ripping apart and bursting with what will leave a pleasurable aftertaste. "From Beyond" has an old CANNIBLE CORPSE feel. Less blasty, more groove. I mean of course the drummer kicks into high gear here and there, but for the most part, the syncopated percussion in line with the guitar patterns are oh so refreshing. With a vocal sound that is mid-toned with a bark, the style is typically audible, throughout 75% of "Swarm" the other 25% is deep, raor, sustained growls. The guitars are thick and, heavy, more chuggy and palm muted but the transitions deliver some great fretwork. Semi-speed metal, semi-old school death metal, and semi - their own unique style. The drum sound is one that I personally favor. The double bass EQ'd to hear and feel, and compressed perfectly to bring out that hard punch.
GODLESS lack nothing and offer a great little dick tease with this E.P. I always hate when I am left wanting more or feeling the offering was over too soon, but that just speaks volumes of how good it is and that you bet your ass my ear will be to the pavement for what comes next. GODLESS have packaged up some stomping, heavy, hard-hitting death metal and gave it a pace you can methodically sway and bob your head to.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect
"Swarm" Track-listing:
1. Exordium
2. Infected By The Black
3. From Beyond
Godless Lineup:
Ravi - Guitars
Kaushal - Vocals
Abbas - Bass
Aniketh - Drums
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