Basement Apes


Here is a band that still knows how to play good punk rock music. Although […]
By Dimitris Antoniou
April 2, 2002
Gluecifer - Basement Apes album cover

Here is a band that still knows how to play good punk rock music. Although the band is around for quite some time now (since 1995), this is the first album I got from them and I have to say I am quite impressed.
Gluecifer's music will remind you a bit of bands like The Almighty and The Ramones. It's actually a mix of good old-fashioned punk rock with some strong influences from the alternative scene of the 90s. Simple tunes with a dirty feeling in the vocals and the guitars, Gluecifer's songs tend to be short but furious, like classic rock n' roll music. Even though they have two guitars, the bass has an important role in their music than simply following the general rhythm. It really gives the appropriate heaviness in most of the songs, making them more solid.
The opening track, Reversed, will surely knock you out with it's straightforwardness and it will make you want jump around like a 15 year old kid. The rest of the CD is also very interesting. It changes quite often mood, from party rock n' roll (Brutus) to angry punk rock (like Easy Living) while it also has its darker moments (like Little Man). It's not an album that will totally impress you, but it's good music. It's something to put on your CD player and relax or have it in the background while having a beer with your friends.
For sure this release doesn't target the metal fans, but if you happen to like alternative/punk rock music then give it a try. You won't be disappointed.

7 / 10


"Basement Apes" Track-listing:

Losing end
Easy living
Little man
Not enough for you
Round and round
Black book lodge
It won't be
Shotgun seat
Powertools and piss
I saw the stones move

Gluecifer Lineup:

Biff Malibu - vocals
Captain Poo - guitar, backing vocals
Raldo Useless - guitar
Stu Manx - bass, backing vocals
Danny Young - drums

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