Ghost, Fools & Fakes
Glowin Shadow
March 2, 2015

GLOWIN SHADOW formed in 2013 in the most romantic city on earth, Paris, France, as an Alternative Rock band. In the last year the band released their very first debut EP that called "Ghost, Fools & Fakes". By looking in their list of Influences, I've been very impressed by the band's list that shows a few of my favorite bands.
The album starts with the instrumental intro "Fleeting Delight" that leads us straight into the first song in the album. "Lairs Die" was supposed to be a great song. I mean we can hear the melody of 30 SECONDS TO MARS, the punk of THE USED (that as a big fan of the band as well, gave me a little smile), the darkness of THREE DAYS GRACE and the hybrid side of AVENGED SEVENFOLD. It's supposed to be perfect, but the problem of the song is that there's too many.
The band invested a lot in this song and its commendable, but there's too many layers that got me lost as a listener. It seems like that the band forced this song to be perfect which made the song to get lost along the way. There's just too many song clichés and so many elements. Songs don't not need to be forced to be good, sometimes you need to let the music flow.
"What's Going On" is an example for a simpler song that actually made it. With a great melody and amazing solo, the band is on form here. Although the first track, the chorus is simple and it makes him to be insanely good and insanely catchy. Is it a perfect song? No, it's still got some small problems like the cheesy lyrics and the messy connection between parts, still it's a very cool song with great chorus.
"Halloween Party" is more old school with elements from genres like Grunge. The song has a powerful chorus, once again, but the song's main riff been used in the song so much that it's just annoying. I would ignore it if the riff was good but it doesn't, and it's repeating over and over again and rather spoils to the song that could well have been an excellent track.
In the bottom line, as I said the band has been influenced by excellent bands, and we can hear it on the EP. The thing that has almost been to the advantage of the band became the disadvantage of the band. The band could have been truly standout, but I think that will happen when they stop to put AVENGED SEVENFOLD and SKILLET in one box and start to create their own identity.
The production of the album is amazing, the sound is so rich and invested and feels like a true American album with a high budget. We can hear that the band is truly professional and they are ready to invest themselves into Rock's world. Still the band need time to get a unique sound and identity of their own.
6 / 10
Had Potential

"Ghost, Fools & Fakes" Track-listing:
1. Fleeting Delight
2. Lairs Die
3. What's Going On
4. Halloween Party
5. There's No Room For Doubt
6. Glowing In The Shadow
Glowin Shadow Lineup:
Michaël - Vocals
Kilian- Guitar
Pierre - Guitar
Geoffray - Bass
Adrien - Drums
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