
Gloria Morti

Oh no! Not again! Why do all the so called melodic extreme Metal releases have […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
June 23, 2008
Gloria Morti - Eryx album cover

Oh no! Not again! Why do all the so called melodic extreme Metal releases have to end up in my hands? Just think that I hold a CD with the above mentioned term written on the promo sheet and a girl (a beautiful one may I say) on keyboards! Am I wrong to think that most bands that feature the extreme melodic Metal tag are average Metalcore bands with shitty compositions? I think you have been where I stand before and you know what I mean mates...

Fortunately it was just a mistake and GLORIA MORTI are something more than an average melodic extreme Metal band. The Finnish extreme metallers have been around since 1999 if I am not mistaken and as it seems they got pretty tired until they found someone who would release their debut album. They released four demo CD's until they found a Japanese label, World Chaos Productions, which released their debut album Lifestream Corrosion. Now, their brand new album gets released in Scandinavia by Stay Heavy Records, and the German label Cyclone Empire handles the release for the rest of the world.

The band's music has - thank god - nothing to do with Metalcore. In fact, the band is a brutal war machine with some more than ass kicking sick and twisted melodies that can smash your skull and make you ask for more! I really wasn't expecting these guys to play such a monstrous kind of music! It seems that the promo sheet that was accompanying the CD was right. This IS melodic extreme Metal!

Imagine a mixture of their country mates AMORAL with THE CROWN's melodic Death Metal assault and many melodic Black Metal elements. Remember the beautiful girl behind the keys I was talking about? I didn't realize she is wearing a BATHORY shirt and... she is a fucking genius! She really knows how to avoid making the songs sound like stupid NWOSDM IN FLAMES clones, as well as stay away from the Metalcore mentality. The guitar work is also incredible generously offering some great melodies (Deathstream kicks in like a fucking DARK FUNERAL song), as well as some great Death Metal violence. I can't believe that I didn't know these guys (and girl)!

Not only we are talking about an ass kicking melodic Death/Black Metal act, but they have also managed to have amore than heavy and 'polished' sound that is exactly what their music needs. Oh, I almost forgot it... Add a frenzy guitar solo by ZYKLON's Destructhor on Sands Of Hinnom and you see why Eryx is more than just a good buying option. Let me also add that Psycho has a fucking great voice with a wide range that is far from the classic monotonous Black/Death Metal average singers. Great work mates!

8 / 10


"Eryx" Track-listing:

Deathstream (Anthologies Of Lifestream)
Until The Wretched Whimper
Phoenix Caged In Flesh
Prophet Of Eosphorus
Synthetic Eden
The Origins Of Sin
The Djinnwhisperer
Sands Of Hinnom
Mesopotamia (Bonus Track)
Dreadful Silence (Bonus Track)

Gloria Morti Lineup:

Psycho - Vocals
Juho Raiha - Guitar
Juho Matikainen - Guitar, Bass
Jarmo Juurikka - Drums
Jenni Kemppainen - Keyboards

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