Omega Kaleid
March 17, 2021

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: GIZMACHI; signed via CEN/The Orchard Records (a division of Sony Music), hailing from the United States of America - performing Metalcore/Nu-Metal/Progressive Metal, on their 3rd album entitled: "Omega Kaleid" (released March 12, 2021).
Since formation in 1998; the quintet in question have only 3 albums in their discography so far: "Melee" (released in 2003), "The Imbuing" (released 2005) and this here 3rd album entitled: "Omega Kaleid". 11 tracks ranging at around 57:81...GIZMACHI arrange an intricately designed formula on some heavy-hitting Metalcore/Nu-Metal/Progressive Metal amalgamations.
Inspired by none other than SOILWORK/NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA's frontman Björn Strid on his iconic lead vocals; GIZMACHI are a groundbreaking force to be reckoned with, back with a vengeance in 2021 - this unexpected return of more than 16 years in the making makes a promising return for these raging core enthusiasts.
Opening up with the majestic "Winter"; a short whirling vortex of electronic, acoustic ambience and trippy static - "Paradox" opens the record up with an explosive bang. A flurry of wailing grooves, amplified hooks and a barrage frenzy of scattering tempo shifts trailblaze with thrilling versatilities that quakes with punchy jumpiness & sonically seamless maelstrom stability which showcases this profusely robust solidity on massive, soaring melodies that materialises this thunderous slab on blistering and belting smothers that will skyrocket with rampantly twisted polyrhythms while surging with these rompy ramifications on vibrantly quirky mayhem that causes bulldozing adrenaline aligned into an extreme dose in hybrid but experimental rifts, that promises sulfurous yet scabrous strikes that will stampede your soul with full force berserking.
Consisting of Björn Strid (mostly known for his work in SOILWORK); the frontman attributes a diverse variety of vocals that stem with raspy throatiness to clean, high-pitched chants. Deep gutturals growl with mighty roars that yell with profusely robust substance, while shouty singing stability grovels a borderline foundation on rawly rough tonality. Manifesting with meticulous songwriting strength that supplies riveting technicalities, "Broken Ends" distils a chiselling bombardment on slaying innovation and immersively dexterous dynamics that sweeps with steamrolling grinds from guitar attackers Jay Hannon & Mike Laurino (also on vocals). Both clobber with twinning virtuosity where quintessential leaps thud with sturdy melody, killer laceration mobility shred with rapidly swift nimbleness & this rocking outrè on ripping revs that rumble with reverberating finesse. Contrasting clean, backing chords for good measure while weighty punchiness utilises salubriously volatile zeal on catchy diligence.
It's as if GIZMACHI had been waiting years to unleash this titanic behemoth for only when they knew it had been written perfectly, these are the kind of records I unboundly admire - because it shows the potency of the band's hard work put into place. Songs like "Turned To Dust" fabricates a flamboyant atmosphere that executes with otherworldly entrancements as the songwriting instrumentals details an immersively impactful spellbinding, merging this mystifying revel while still retaining that rambunctious piledriving expertise where the crunchy drum hammering from Jimmie Hatcher who provides evolving exhilaration in chugging gallops & frolicking firepower craftsmanship that transforms with mutanious rifts which tower with mountainous riffage & stompy precision while stunning vocal performances morph this ethereal but hypnotising deathliness as several twisted churns excel with marvellous sublimity.
"Sky" outbursts with more razor-sharp thumpiness as audible bassist Kris Gilmore profoundly trembles speakers with monstrously meaty calamity, as voraciously virulent pursuits resonates with this methodical flexibility in creatively exuberant precision on steely panache. Chunky brutality bellows an intense boundary as brisk hostility fuses this visceral yet mellow perseverance, mesmerising me with mellifluous euphony and concretely gritty gnarliness. "Inner Visions" examines more unique but idiocentric sanctums on majestic psychedelia, where post-metal warps this mystical intriguement. Intertwining bashful crescendos near the end elementing a kaleidoscopic sensation as it unearths this shapeshift void while morphing more relentlessly resounding bangs for good measure. "Shattered Dream" opens up with this distinguished battle cry, until this systematic pattern of charismatic chunkiness implodes into an archaic trepidation on ruthless pandemonium & swirling upheaval.
"Look What I've Become" explores feverish interventions in extreme overdrives that pulsate with this sheer, high-octane heft on lofty significance... where eccentric and radically wicked drills distils a fluidly polished snare on wildly rushing momentum. "Trick My Soul" implements an apt altitude on zestful magnitude, where fierce furocity establishes an impeccable relishment on hearty grandeurs that unleashes these rowdy yet titanic riffs that oscillate with revolving triggers & speedy flickering haste as distorted but more smacking slams subjugate this tremendous musicality on motoring songwriting musicianship while this mammoth of a sound production surges with astonishing flair.
The penultimate track "New Day (Everything To Lose" repels with èclatful aggression while snappy yet memorable singing transforms with momentous yet primitive thrust; brimming a snappy vibrancy on quirky yet venomously infectious injections in which marvellously transmutes with vigorous, and effectively ethereal ignition that will make you want to break chairs over other chairs as an overwhelming motivation in immersivity compiles an enriching experience tenfold.
Overall concluding "Omega Kaleid" with the titular track itself; which transitions through more overarching machinations of transfixing performances, where each arbitration binds an empowering strife with more spellbinding grips and fascinating inventions that closes as it did begin with the 1st epic - I am compelled to say that GIZMACHI most certainly didn't hold back with this one. Unravelling such surprising sub-genre culminations, all fused with pretty much perfect skill that results with radiant talent - "Omega Kaleid" I felt deserved this masterclass rating. This discovery is very much worth passing on to newcomers who are looking for such a colossal album, definitely an enjoyably entertaining bruiser that seriously deserves attention with a good handful of replayable spins - surely you won't regret playing this one, and is definitely being considered one of my favourite albums to review this year so far. Do check it out!
10 / 10

"Omega Kaleid" Track-listing:
1. Winter
2. Paradox
3. Broken Ends
4. Turned To Dust
5. Sky
6. Inner Visions
7. Shattered Dream
8. Look What I've Become
9. Trick My Soul
10. New Day (Everything To Lose)
11. Omega Kaleid
Gizmachi Lineup:
Jay Hannon - Guitars
Mike Laurino - Guitars/Vocals
Kris Gilmore - Bass
Jimmie Hatcher - Drums
Björn Strid - Vocals
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