We Belong to the Stars


Right off the bat, I did like the album cover, which looks right out of […]
By Mark "The Beard" McQueen
February 6, 2023
Ginevra - We Belong to the Stars album cover

Right off the bat, I did like the album cover, which looks right out of a D&D campaign. (Yes, clearly I am dating myself as a child of the 70's-early 80's), still, I had hopes with this one. I try to give my initial listen without doing much background research so that the instinct is what drives me. So, right off with Sirens Calling, I am checking off boxes. Clean clear vocals, good guitar leads, nicely put together. Track one has me thinking good melodic rocker.

As we slide into Unbreakable, the music portion gets a little heavier but still keeps the same pacing and the vocals ease back just a touch. I am still deciding. I wouldn't turn it off, but it hasn't pulled me in fully yet either. Third track Apologize is kind of like being on a treadmill. I am running but I'm not going anywhere. Still searching for a big wow factor from this band. Masquerade brings in the vocals of Chez Kane to add that female duet harmony to the mix. She's strong and adds a Pat Benatar touch (which fits this style of music). It's a good track, but I'm still not sold yet, and Break the Silence doesn't break the deadlock. Despite the good guitar work and vocals, I'm just not sold halfway through.

Brokenhearted opened with a couple seconds of interesting harmonics before falling into a slightly faster paced version of the same thing I've been listening to over the first half of the album. A touch better, but I am still longing for them to really grab me. Album title track We Belong to the Stars, and I'll be Around seemed like more running in place. I believe this band has something, but they aren't really letting it out. Finally, on Falling to Pieces, it seems in fact the Pieces (such as they are). actually, merged better on this number. I enjoyed the way the faster heavier music merged with the vocals which also came at a faster cadence which I feel made the song stronger overall. The leads were nicely placed and if I'm still on the treadmill of indecision, at least someone has turned up the speed and I'm now working up a bit of a sweat.

Album closer My Rock N Roll, besides being the longest song of the album, seems to best encapsulate the whole. I.E. if you like this song, you will probably like the album. If you are lukewarm about it, then this may not be the perfect match for your tastes. Ginevra are a good band with all the parts in place, but at least for me they never break out of the pack and stand alone to  really be noticed.

6 / 10

Had Potential








"We Belong to the Stars" Track-listing:

1. Sirens Calling
2. Unbreakable
3. Apologize
4. Masquerade
5. Break the Silence
6. Brokenhearted
7. We Belong to the Stars
8. I'll be Around
9. Falling to Pieces
10. The Fight
11. My Rock n Roll

Ginevra Lineup:

Kristian Fyhr - Vocals
Jimmy Jay - Bass Guitar
Magnus Karlsson - Lead Guitar
Magnus Ulfstedt - Drums

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