Ghoul Cult
Ghoul Cult
April 29, 2018

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: GHOUL CULT; signed via Duplicate Records, hailing from Norweigian grounds - performing Black/Speed/Thrash Metal, on their debut self-titled album entitled: "Ghoul Cult" (released October 25th, 2004).
Since formation in 2001; the quintet in question have 2 Demos and a Split in their discography so far, I am introduced to their debut self-titled album: "Ghoul Cult". 13 tracks ranging at around 38:32; GHOUL-CULT arrange a solid slab of intricately designed Black/Speed/Thrash Metal developments, starting off with "Infernal Upheave" - I begin to notice a concrete distinction of savagely sinister instrumentation and musicianship. The quartet amalgamates a diligently composed formula of menacing Black Metal rawness, primitive Speed Metal relentlessness and hard-hitting Thrash Metal juxtapositions. Groovy catchiness, balanced with crushing melodies - empowers me with grandiose manifestation of proficient performances.
Consisting of Johnny Tombthrasher who independantly goes solo with all instruments; including vocals (from what I have researched he does anyway), the soloist consistently contrasts with rhythmic executions in "Trionfo Della Morte" - where the songwriting showcases creatively constructive demonstrations with unique aesthetics which distribute rough shrieks; battering drum crushing, blistering riffs and solos and thumping madness. "Fucked By The Living Dead" exhilerates with unrelenting energy and adroit craftsmanship; thunderously pummelling with bouncy and crunchy progression. "Night Of A Thousand Ghouls" contrasts with fluidly organic substances, continuing the barraged onslaught of frenzied chugs and gallops.
"When The Bella Chime (We Return...)" exhibits detailed results with blistering, and melodious attributions which hammer with dynamically dominant complexity. "Dirge For A Funeral" is the longest song on the record, at an intense 9:06 - the song delivers flamboyant dexterity and efficiently electric technicalities – exploding with extreme proportions that gets the blood pumping with effective salubriousness. The sound production in the next song "Storming Through The Bastions" provide a punchline foundation of borderline destruction that just blasts with efficacious energy, slamming the speakers like a furocious clap of lightning bolt thunder. For a one-man band, Johnny does an excellent job here.
"Ave To Abhorrent Master" establishes a captivating experience with more distinguished madness, keeping one hooked uncompromising molten fire metal. "Savage Death" well, is in the title...fixated on devastation and enjoyably meaty ramifications - excelling with head-crushing velocity and engaging with meticulous variety. "Mass Liquidation" conveys with more of those massive drum enlightenments which pound with diverse fulfilments, keeping things strong and speedy. "Bulletbelt Berserker" rampages with more elegant deadliness, and razor-sharp exquisiteness...until the excellent cover of "Mad Butcher" (DESTRUCTION) overall concludes the record - what a discovery, I just wish I had known about GHOUL-CULT sooner.
Bottom line; Johnny certainly outdone himself with this one as his first offering, the silver lining is that "Ghoul Cult" will invigorate you with constructive mettle that will definitely get you off your arse - excellent.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"Ghoul Cult" Track-listing:
1. Infernal Upheaval
2. Trionfo Della Morte
3. Fucked By The Living Dead
4. Night Of A Thousand Ghouls
5. When The Bells Chime (We Return...)
6. Dirge For A Funeral Age
7. Storming Through The Bastions
8. Ave To Abhorrent Master
9. Savage Death
10. Mass Liquidation
12. Bulletbelt Berserker
13. Mad Butcher (DESTRUCTION Cover)
Ghoul Cult Lineup:
Johnny Tombthrasher - Everything
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