Anecdotes Of Science & Souls

Ghost Iris

Having had a stressful, manic time lately with thousands of things going on at once […]
By Charlotte "Lotty" Whittingham
February 16, 2015
Ghost Iris - Anecdotes Of Science & Souls album cover

Having had a stressful, manic time lately with thousands of things going on at once and I was in dire need of some down time. Well these past couple of days have allowed me to unwind and sort everything out. "Anecdotes Of Science & Souls", the debut album provided by Copenhagen Metalcore quartet GHOST IRIS, is the cherry on top of this perfect therapy.

I may have mentioned in my previous reviews that Metalcore isn't usually my first choice when it comes to listening to for pleasure as I found a lot of it to be too aggressive and unlistenable. This does not apply to GHOST IRIS; in fact they are the hidden treasure inside of what seems like a misunderstood genre.

The album cleverly commences with "Dreamless State", what attracted me straight away was the weird sounding yet very effective guitar work. I immediately thought of the word science as I heard these which intelligently enough is displayed in the album's title.

Each song on this masterpiece gets the balance between aggression and melody spot on; it keeps me interested to hear such a variety of tunes in this album, which isn't easy to achieve as a Metalcore band. From the almost Doom Metal sounding two piece track "Magenta Pt 1:  Perfect Symbiosis" and "Magenta Pt 2:  Astral Projection (Feat. Mirza Radonjica)" to the sweeping sounds of "Dream Catching A Nightmare" this record contains something to suit everyone's palette.

Ending on a more than positive note with tracks "Euphoric State" and "Everlasting Bliss" I think it is more than safe to say that GHOST IRIS will be the band on everyone's lips for a very long time.

So overall a hidden treasure within a sub-genre I wouldn't have originally looked twice at, it goes to show that life is full of surprises.

10 / 10


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"Anecdotes Of Science & Souls" Track-listing:

1. Dreamless State
2. Influx
3. Phaianx
4. Immaculate
5. Dream Catching A Nightmare
6. Magenta Pt 1:  Perfect Symbiosis
7. Magenta P1 2: Astral Projection (Feat. Mirza Radonjica)
8. Parallel Passage
9. Euphoric State
10. Everlasting Bliss

Ghost Iris Lineup:

Jesper Vicencio Gün - Vocals
Nicklas Grønlund Thomsen - Guitars, Bass
Peter Lykkeberg Larsen - Guitars, Bass
Sebastian Linnet - Drums

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