The First Alchemist

George Constantine Kratsas

Symphonic Metal from the heart of Athens. Now, if that has not got your attention […]
By Will Travers
December 11, 2020
George Constantine Kratsas - The First Alchemist album cover

Symphonic Metal from the heart of Athens. Now, if that has not got your attention then, well I really don't know what will. Well, here today we have an offering from the mind of GEORGE CONSTANTINE KRATSAS. The artwork for this release, "The First Alchemist", is gothic in style, dark and moody. But also, the central figure appears to have been influenced by Greek Orthodox artwork, perhaps this is a hat tip to the country they call home, perhaps not.

Opening the record, is the titular "The First Alchemist". The intense and exciting music absolutely lays down the standard. The depth, the complexity and the finesse that is present throughout just makes it such an incredible opening track. That intensity and musical intelligence is still prevalent through "His Dark Materials" and into "Clockwork Giant". The difference with the latter is the introduction of the mystical and powerful vocals of Mora, and what an impact the addition has!

"Cataclysm" evolves the sound that little bit further with some peaks and troughs of the full assault, combined with the cleaner and almost more vulnerable sections that again just flow so perfectly. The last three tracks roll through with that bombardment of beautiful and powerful music, interspersed with "Sigillum Dei", a track that is so clearly influenced by the Mediterranean cultural styles that I just adore the sense of calm and peace that it brings. A perfect way to curb the energy, allow listeners a short break before the finale is upon you.

Overall, this record is outstanding. The elements of Prog, Doom and the unmistakable Symphonic influences coming to the fore to deliver one of my standout releases of the year. If you call yourself a fan of truly good music, then this has to be added to your library. Grab a beer, put on some headphones and just be transported away for a break from your life.

10 / 10









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"The First Alchemist" Track-listing:

1. The First Alchemist
2. His Dark Materials
3. Clockwork Giant
4. Cataclysm
5. The Ark Of The Covenant
6. Sigillum Dei
7. Lost Archives

George Constantine Kratsas Lineup:

George Constantine Kratsas - Guitars / Orchestration
Tasos Seremetis - Oud
Nikitas Mandolas - Drums
Mora - Lyrics on "Clockwork Giant"

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