Sex Drugs Anarchy

Gemini Five

The fact that I took the new GEMINI FIVE was Greg's idea as he thought […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
May 23, 2008
Gemini Five - Sex Drugs Anarchy album cover

The fact that I took the new GEMINI FIVE was Greg's idea as he thought that this album would be a pleasant break from all the brutal shit I have been listening to lately. I guess he was right since Sex Drugs Anarchy hasn't left my CD player for some time now. Even though the joyful music that GEMINI FIVE play is something that I sometimes listen to while drinking an ice cold beer, I never thought that such an album would end up in my hands.

The Swedish rockers/metallers are back with a vengeance since their new album has the fucking heaviest sound GEMINI FIVE ever had in one of their albums! While still being a part of Wild Kingdom, the band releases its third full-length assault aiming to blow some fucking heads with their dirty Rock & Roll.

After having the chance to listen to the latest HARDCORE SUPERSTAR album, which I admit I have loved, I now get the chance to review GEMINI FIVE's Sex Drugs Anarchy, an album full of passion, sleazy motherfucking music and a heavy as fuck guitar work by Tin Star and Dee Dee. What the fuck more could someone ask from a Swedish Glam/Sleaze band?

The good thing with this album is that it sounds more like the band is partying than a studio recording. Of course this album hasn't got the power and the quality of the latest HARDCORE SUPERSTAR release, but it probably the best release GEMINI FIVE have released until now. Tin's vocals are fucking amazing, the riffing is amazing as I said above and the rhythm section is exactly what it has to be, solid as a rock and hot as hell!

Don't have any second thoughts about buying this album! If you are into this whole Glam/Sleaze scene and you love bands like HARDCORE SUPERSTAR, BACKYARD BABIES and CRASHDIET then you have found the new member of your album collection.

 Gemini Five

7 / 10


"Sex Drugs Anarchy" Track-listing:

Thunder & Lightning
I Am Hollow
Scream 4 Me
Here's Looking At You Kid
All Pistols
Sex Drugs Anarchy
Lay Your Money Down
Here 2day Gone 2mrw
Something�s Gotta Give
Blood On The Bricks
We Do Not Come In Peace
Stay With Me

Gemini Five Lineup:

Tin Star - Vocals, Guitar
Dee Dee - Guitar, Backing Vocals
Hot Rod - Bass, Backing Vocals
Slim Pete - Drums, Backing Vocals

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