As One

From Bandcamp, "GRAZERS is back. Exploring new directions of sound in ghoulish ways, we present our latest release: "As One." The album has six songs, and "Dyrtbag" is first. The sound is playful, and positive at first, teased with odd tonalities. It falls somewhere under the vast umbrella of Progressive Music, but it also has some 80's elements in it...think DEVO meets RUSH. It segues into "Dieter Geifler Blues," which is about as strange as it gets. There are sample of about every kind of candy you can imagine...bitter licorice, dark chocolate, and even some flavors you haven't had before.
"Ticha" hears many of the gears come together more, with a weighted electronic entrance. The melodies are kept simpler here...more accessible. Some of the tones are dissonant and even psychedelic at times. Try to imagine where this is going. "The Riverside" is much more straightforward, with a slightly depressive tone but also full of curiosity...the kind of naïve curiosity you had when you were a kid. The gentle and smooth sound is quite touching. "Acceptance of Departure" is an instrumental with a lot of atmosphere. The tones seem to come to you from outer space, because where else could you hear this outer world sound.
"Sands of Cellaset" closes the album. It opens with a lot of room to breathe, and breath it does...deep, cleansing breaths to be particular. Cellaset is not a real world, so this comes completely from the band's imagination. Bass and vocals carry much of the sound, which is dark and mysterious. I get the distinct feeling that wherever Callaset is, it was buried in a sandstorm that lasted for years and is now a hidden place that you have to know where to look in order to find it. It grows even stranger as it moves, with heavy rhythmic accents and a looming crescendo that never materializes.
This is a very unique and personal album. Progressive fans will find a lot to like, and a lot to uncover. There are layers, like a proverbial onion, that when you peel, the sound changes. It's not overly complicated music, but it just takes some unconventional twists and turns. It is also full of intrigue and mystery, and my interest is piqued. I would love to hear where the band goes next.Purchase Link:
9 / 10
Almost Perfect
"As One" Track-listing:
1. Dyrtbag
2. Dieter Geifler Blues
3. Ticha
4. The Riverside
5. Acceptance at Departure
6. Sands of Cellaset
Gazers Lineup:
Johann Hackl - Everything
RvB Hangman - Samples, Bits and Pieces
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