Citizen Brain

Gama Bomb

2008 was a great year for Thrash Metal, especially if you compare with the mid […]
By Yiannis Doukas
September 1, 2008
Gama Bomb - Citizen Brain album cover

2008 was a great year for Thrash Metal, especially if you compare with the mid 90ies when there were very few bands playing serious, like SODOM and TANKARD. This year we had four very important albums. The debut of BONDED BY BLOOD that beyond being bombastic it comes from a very young band giving us hopes for a more head - banging future. Also the ultimate horde, MERCILESS DEATH offered us something that is absolutely classic or the Bay Area ball - crushing mayhem of the British EVILE. Now except these, and many other in the burning underground, you have to take a look to some zombified maniacs.
The story begins about 6 years before, with the release of two demo, The Survival Option in 2002 and The Fatal Mission in 2004. After these, GAMA BOMB self - released their first full length, Survival Of The Fastest, which now can be found via Witches Brew record label. Most discover the band by their song Zombi Brew inside the Thrashing Like A Maniac compilation of Earache, a crucial album for this regeneration of Thrash, at least in a more abroad ears. The next step was the Citizen Brain with the English label.
Maybe is the origin of GAMA BOMB, or their music, when I listen to their music I always have inside my mind ACID REIGN. The resemblance derives from the sharp, sweat exploding riffing and from the humoristic style that both bands have or had.  Another act that is close is MUNICIPAL WASTE's exhausting rhythms although GAMA BOMB are not so much into crossover and SLAYER-ish guitars. Two other bands that must be mentioned is TANKARD, both for lyrically and musical structure and enough things from MEGADETH.
Citizen Brain stands in high levels of Metal satisfaction. Including some powerful, inspired lead guitars like in the ending of Final Fight, drunken vocals with some screams and a production that its almost clear sound is not embarrassing but fits well, no it is not like DARK ANGEL's Thrash assault here but more, hm, entertaining I could say. You know, for drinking your beers and eating your pizza. The only negative is that sometimes you have the feel that their stuff recycles, songs like In The Court Of General Zod could be missing, and some others as Return Of The Technodrome are not in the Thrashing ear pleasure gear as some others.
The lyrical themes varied between social things, like the environment pollution, humor things about zombies and beer drinking, Thrashing way of life and some forgotten by the time electronic games that traveled me long, long back. As their music of course. So, this is absolutely a must buy album for Thrash friends, although it is not something ground - breaking and yes there are a lot of other better bands hidden in the underground. But this half an hour toxic holocaust of speed madness is more than effective and 'destructive for your neck' mania and I am sure that they will win more funs by supporting OVERKILL and EXODUS together with TORTURE SQUAD in the Killfest Tour 2009.

8 / 10


"Citizen Brain" Track-listing:

Zombie Blood Nightmare
Evil Voices
Final Fight
Time Crime
Global Warning
Hammer Slammer
Sentenced To Thrash
Zombi Brew
Hell Trucker
Return Of The Technodrome
In The Court Of General Zod
Space Invaders
Bullet Belt

Gama Bomb Lineup:

Luke Graham - Guitars
Philly Byrne - Vocals
Joe McGuigan - Bass, Backing Vocals
Paul Caffrey - Drums
Domo Dixon - Lead Guitar

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