Lunar Eclipture

Galundo Tenvulance

Hailing from Japan comes GALUNDO TENVULANCE, a Melodic/Symphonic Death Metal band formed just a few […]
November 17, 2023

Hailing from Japan comes GALUNDO TENVULANCE, a Melodic/Symphonic Death Metal band formed just a few years ago. This is their debut album, and it has eleven songs. “Red Raven” is first. The speed of the song is what hits me first. The drums roll at a machine-gun pace, there are heavy symphonic elements mixed in with the death vocals, and some of the chord progressions suggest an understanding of Classical music. “Crescharis” is a little slower at first, but still has ardent structures, and they kick into a higher gear soon after.

“Leave This Nightmare” is heavier with symphonic elements, and the band keeps the blistering pace intact. The guitar work is quite intricate, as is the band’s sense of timing. They run a very tight ship. “Solemn Oath” has a similar sound. Five tracks in, and we aren’t getting much in the way of variation. Their commitment to burning paces is noteworthy, but they need to find a way to get some diversity into the album. “Reminiscence of Vanity” is a bit slower, and features more Classically tinged sounds. The guitar solo is a fantastic display of musicianship as well.

“Stake My Life” is another song with thick melodic and symphonic elements within the framework of cold but lively Death Metal. Listen closely, and you hear some IRON MAIDEN influence in the leads. “Jugulate” has a more calculated sound, with compact arrangements and no room for miscues. “Mystified Reiteration” closes the album. It’s the first song with some variation, and I appreciate that. The tones are calmer and more soothing. Most of the songs have a running time of under four minutes. That should tell you what kind of music the album has. Speedy, intense, angry, and bitter, the album leaves no prisoners behind after the killing spree. The band plays in an extremely tight formation, leaving little room for error. What they need the most work on is diversifying their sound.


7 / 10









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"Lunar Eclipture" Track-listing:

1. Red Raven

2. Crescharis

3. Lifeshaker

4. Leave This Nightmare

5. Solemn Oath

6. My Curse, Our Desire

7. Reminiscence of Vanity

8. Stake My Life

9. Jugulate

10. Therefore I Am

11. Mystified Reiteration


Galundo Tenvulance Lineup:

Glue – Bass

Asukun – Guitars

Dera – Guitars

Kenya Ueno – Keyboards

MARCHO – Vocals


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